I’ll agree that Community hasn’t had a single good episode in the last 8 years, but before that it was great.
I’ll agree that Community hasn’t had a single good episode in the last 8 years, but before that it was great.
Wenn das ein Wohngebiet ist und das Auto einem Bewohner gehört, dann sollte es Lerneffekt genug sein, dass an dem Tag der Müll nicht mitgenommen werden konnte. Besonders, wenn es ein Mehrfamilienhaus ist, damit wirklich alle Mieter sauer auf den einen sind.
Als ich in dem Alter war, gab es maximal kleine Nokia Klotzhandys und das Internet war Neuland für alle. Wir hatten trotzdem analog Spass mit der Materie, Memes sind einfach nur ein modernes Format.
Did… did they advertise their game by bragging about the amount of money they spent on advertising?
Das Nazi-Kinderkrankenhaus auf dem Mond wurde erfolgreich getroffen.
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It’s okay to critisize, but spoiling the end of Super Mario World is just spiteful.
I think the biggest mistake the show did was making it so clear who’s a Skrull and who’s real so early on. A secret invasion like this needs paranoia and hopelessness and I just didn’t feel that.
I don’t understand why Wolverine in Deadpool 3 was ever a matter of debate when Deadpool 2 literally ended with Logan’s death being undone. It may have been a joke at the time, but now the joke got a sequel, so let’s just roll with it.
I’ll take you back there, but I’ve only ever travelled through time once, so safety is not guaranteed.
Why not Magaunities? Wait, no, I see it now…
As far as single-player games are concerned, I realized I have a sweet-spot of ~100 hours when I get somewhat tired of it, and ~150 hours when I’m just done. I don’t know anything about the story of Xenoblade 3 after the snow area because I crossed that threshold and just stopped paying attention. I just wanted it to be over. I had just played the Live A Live remake before that and I realized how much I miss the pacing of classic RPGs.
On the other hand, I’m closing in on 500 hours in Monster Hunter Rise. I have no problem casually grinding out games that aren’t a long-term story-commitment.
The funny part is, you’re viewing and participating in kbin content right here. This is a thread posted to kbin. My reply will look to you as if it was made in lemmy, but it’s not. I have a kbin account, and that’s the magic at work.
I sit on my hand and upvote my comments/posts with a numb hand so it doesn’t feel like I’m the one doing it.
It’s a Steam Deck, not a Game Deck!