ofc I converted it
ofc I converted it
55$ dollar for 1gbit fiber at home unlimited 29$ for mobile data 4g+ unlimited
Ein toller Artikel. Das konnte man aber alles schon vor 10 Jahren kommen sehen. Aber besser spät als nie. Die Abhängigkeiten müssen dringend reduziert werden. Kein Autobauer würde kritische Teile nur von einer Firma beziehen, aber in der IT ist das leider gang und gäbe.
Als Fürst von und zu Liechtenstein, lege ich mein Veto ein!
Where is the fucking EU?? Step up Europe the US is not an ally anymore and can’t be trusted under this government.
there are special ointments that you can buy in normal large supermarkets. at least in my country. should work if it’s not to bad.
Vorbereitet und mit Koffein würds wohl gehen. Aber schlafen kann ich eigentlich immer und überall.
Viermal 40 Minuten soll er reglos in einem dunklen Raum sitzen – ohne sich zu bewegen oder Geräusche zu machen.
Ist aber auch nicht ohne. Keine Ahnung ob ich das schaffen würde.
if there is some very advanced alien civilization who finds us out there, that’s a very realistic scenario.
in the dark forrest, we are a little mouse at best.
I do it when I have a really bad hangover
I really hope we won’t find out.
My guess is that the military command would probably refuse the order. Or at least some parts would refuse, some would follow, it would be chaotic and could easily trigger a civil war.
But if they all follow the order…?
I really hope there would be major unrest across all US cities. General strike and millions on the street. This could end the trump presidency relatively quickly. Something like in South Korea recently, just much bigger.
But if not?
From a military point of view, Canada and Europe wouldn’t stand a chance. Unlike the Russians in Ukraine this would be a quick operation. However, the guerrilla war afterwards would be pretty damn fierce. But it would be a damn big shock for the global economy. The USA would suddenly be completely isolated. Global trade would probably grind to a halt. China would attack Taiwan. Organizations like the UN would be on the ground. The rest of the world would immediately try to arm itself with nuclear weapons. The global economy would collapse. Sooner or later we would have total chaos.
But we pay more per day for every monthly subscription and rent.
I wish there was an option to move the up and downvote arrows to the left side. So I can scroll and upvote with one hand as a left-handed person.
First strike Andy.
we use that, but not sure if you can get it in your country: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Landjäger
maybe you can also try with salami
Cheese Fondue: Bread, Broccoli, Potato, Pearl Onions, Pineapple and my personal favorite: Dried Sausage
I kinda like the MS Support Forum. If it’s in my results, I don’t open it for the solution. I just want to see the braindead support answer and the countless complains about it for fun. It’s amazing how stupid these threads are and even more amazing that MS doesn’t care.
Oh god same. It was an old phone without much disk space and I had exactly one song on it. And I moron used it as alarm. Now I absolutely hate that song.
Bojack Horseman
Where are our right wing assholes now who said they would prefer trump? Trump would be better for Switzerland? Fucking SVP morons