I’m sure some would find it useful as a delivery method for ranch dressing.
I’m sure some would find it useful as a delivery method for ranch dressing.
The stained glass lamp shades. The red booths. Beer for dad.
The first salad bar I ever saw was at a dine-in Pizza Hut.
Jerry Seinfeld’s apartment seemed close to right although we never saw the bedroom.
You know things are fucked when Walmart is the more ethical alternative.
“Goddamnit, it’s always fucking something…”
I’ll get it on my forehead so I can bang it against the wall.
I’ve eaten a lot of raw hotdogs in my day. I wouldn’t mind
Very fucking well put
Got a source on that guitar thing? That’s interesting.
Peripheral vision mainly
That you can’t turn off! Fucking hate it!
I love doing this. It’s like an elementary school science project in my tummy.
Does a muppet count?
For those who are looking, the Sony Xperia line has a number of phones with both an sd card slot and a headphone jack.
I would argue that if you can’t afford to tip then you can’t afford the thing you’re buying. It’s an implied part of the price. Labor has to get paid one way or the other
Let it be said that I think this only applies to traditionally tipped positions. The system is already in place. I don’t think we need to keep turning wage positions into tipped positions as seems to be the trend.
Tipped worker here. I made a little over $40 an hour last night not including my base pay. Is that around what slaves earn?
Pics or it didn’t happen
Short is smart.
Suck it Billy.
I mean, if you want to do that at the salad bar I’m not gonna stop you but others might not be as forgiving.
Proper decorum would require ladling it into a pitcher for the whole table then drinking it from red plastic cups.