I agree, $100 for a simple b&w laser printer $200ish for color from them are as much as pretty much anyone needs and they’re stupid fast. Their software and toner management isn’t customer hostile yet at least.
This may not be what you mean but it looks much better to me with texture filtering off.
At the time of these religions being formed the Middle East was being rapidly urbanized and deforested and had desertification issues as a result. Pigs seek shade in hot days and water but if given no other option they will follow in just mud and their own filth. Clearly many other cultures didn’t run in to these problems like in China pigs were held in good regard for helping to clean streets in ancient Chinese cities.
Sometimes you will just introduce more safety issues if you try to overengineer things. In a lot of cases you have to assume that not everything that you want will be easily available and cheap, available and safe will beat some plastic thing ordered from ali express by Walmart.
Well 98% of the energy used by an incandescent bulb is given off as Infrared light that you would sense as heat.
This probably isn’t the best place to discuss it and I often get hate for saying it but Windows 11 isn’t bad at all after you install a start menu replacement and one of the free apps that allow you to easily change a large number of things like explorer UI tweaks.
Connect went in the exact spot on my home screen that RIF held.
New fools are born every day.
We’re tired of all this shit.
To your point, If I really can’t afford a game I’ll pirate it and when I can get those games for $5 - 10 I’ll pick them up on steam or gog for as much convenience as anything. I’m not trying to get a free ride but my appetite for more art is greater than I could possibly afford.