that one was based on the book yeah
that one was based on the book yeah
Oh yeah absolutely enjoyed that book, and wished I read more of the Asia saga by James Clavell to know how it fits in that even bigger story. Cause I really enjoyed the sort of chess game that was the plot (and reminded me of the best Epic fantasies in that way)
And no I did not know there was another adaptation of this story coming our way. Did see the previous miniseries from Paramount on blue-ray. With John Rhys-Davies (the actor who played Gimli in LOTR) as Rodrigues as an absolute highlight.
did this happen in Giethoorn? the environment reminds me of it.
that is indeed a bittersweet story to this picture. And to make it even worse (maybe) to me all those raised bridges remind me of a greeting/salute that happen in old-fashioned rowing boats by raising all oars when passing by. To me it looked like if the city and/or those bridges are saluting that ship underway.
Why do I suspect something quite similar lead to my father saying in these circumstances to write down (or just the topic) what I wanted to say.
No option for try petting the animal?
Do you mean one is sparkling and the other is not? or do both deliver the same
I always try to look at it as a work in progress. it isn’t finished yet till all layers of paint have dried and when I hate something in a text I try to point to find out what, why and how can it be better. Wich result in a never ending cycle of editing, but each time there is a little less hate and after a while I even start to think this might be even something I can be oke with. (even if it needs a “Little” more work) Just don’t give up, it will be better in the end, and till than it might be part of your process.
I love your theory. The real world one looks true to me as well. But it is your in-world one that sounds so intriguing. And quite possible true.
the biggest weak spot I can think of is that some of the ferengi gathered at the convention to discuss the Gamma Quadrant (DS9 The Nagus) are wearing headskirts. Of course your (in-world) explanation about them not feeling secure enough to go bare, could work always. And I am not sure of their roles in the ferengi society either.
I am just keeping the food warm for you…
nope not all series, have continued stories. That is also why I wanted to read the rest over time, to get how it fits in the overall story of the series.