Same here. But sadly too many people were swayed by the populist parties and their ‘this one trick will fix everything’ rhetoric.
That’s one of the busiest intersections in Utrecht, especially in the weekend with buses, cyclists, pedestrians and some cars. It’s pretty easy to navigate too
I thought it was, but did a quick search and turns out it isn’t. Might rethink and look for a different app in general
Yes, it does. But it would be handy if there was also a cross-post button in connect, instead of copying everything or going to the desktop site
No social media (except Lemmy), encrypted email, encrypted cloud storage, password manager, 2FA, VPN. I would also like to move on from WhatsApp, but that’s not really feasible at the moment.
I now use it’s pretty solid
Hype checking is not my strong suit
Holy shit man. This is some diligent note taking. Thanks
The transfer into proton is indeed very easy and with their family pack you also get Mail, Drive, VPN, Calendar and they keep working on adding more. Very happy with proton and their fight for privacy