How much precision do you want to achieve?
How much precision do you want to achieve?
As a vegan, get an angry upvote!
I used testing for ages, it is really stable. Only the phase after a feature freeze for the release of a stable version can be a bit shaky. For some weeks I just change my repos to the stable version.
That is standard in all of Debian, just get it as a flatpack.
That is one point, but I thought of the rescue guys who have to go into the wall to pick up the body. Can be in a very unsafe place. Or the other drivers on the road in the case of driving a motorcycle at the limit.
I can understand the joy of bringing your body to go to the boundary and a bit beyond. For me it end far before tackling a cliff. More like balancing over a beam across a creek. But I can’t understand how one can take the risk of your own death or the harm of others.
I can’t go past the cookie banner with Firefox. Chrome optimised?
But the project can be found at https://openrgb.org/
It got really hot and the colours changed.
You can’t delete a mail you sent me, nor put your hand written letter to me in the bin. I can keep both and I can keep your name and addresses in my little black book. So there isn’t even that level of privacy in the real old fashioned communication.
And communication over the Internet was always the subject of storage. Your mail may be on the backup tape of a mail server. Your usenet posting is on archive.
So the assumption that the fediverse can forget….
Interesting. And how does the system knows who got the real coins? 15 dummy accounts and one real? And can it be backtracked if a dedicated agency in possession of a heavy wrench convinces my arms dealer to give up his keys? Another thing to read up.
There is no trace of the transaction in the exchange? No way of getting a connection between credit card and Monero transactions?
So with Monero it’s impossible for a state actor with subpoena power and perhaps access to digital intercepts to untangle a payment?
Crypto isn’t as anonymous as one would think. The ledger is public and if the wallet can in some way associated with your person (credit card for buying crypto, shipping address for something bought with crypto… ) it can be traced.
Started with Lastpass, but migrated to Bitwarden because of open source. And then came the trouble at Lastpass.
But a functional ecosystem keeps the water clean. You can have either a complete system with complex food chains or chlorine.
But after what time is it an ecosystem that has to be protected? We have here the “Lüneburger Heide” with a lot of protected species and take great care to keep it a heathen. It is an artificial landscape and was woodland before all the trees were chopped off to cook salt in Lüneburg. It was kept clear by sheep. Shepherding on an open plain is now unprofitable and if we would stop now to pay the shepherds a complete ecosystem would vanish and be overgrown by bushes and trees. That would hurt biodiversity and tourism. But it would be the natural environment for northern Germany.
Any body of water is an aquatic ecosystem. You’ll have algae after some days and fish after a year or two.
It depends on what you want to achieve.
Vi and it’s descendants are brilliant editors for a programmer but not for writing prose. So stay away from them. ;-)
Do you want just to write text without being distracted by an overwhelming gui or are you fine with the hint at options?
Do you want to write in a terminal?
How much do you want to format while typing? By typing the format commands into the text or by clicking on buttons or ctrl-key magic?
Do you need version control?
For each of your combination of answers there are different solutions.