I’ve just installed it on both devices. Thanks!
Ooooh, I didn’t know about that. Thanks!
I disabled antivirus, tried again, and was told W11 home was already permanently activated. No upgrade-to-pro option. Oh, well.
Thanks. I’ve done the iTunes thing & find it cumbersome. Remote-sharing apps require that the OS permit remote sharing. W11 home version doesn’t.
Thanks. That works. Just looking for something a little less cumbersome.
Thanks. Done that. Trying to do it without the cable.
I tried MAS & got this error msg. Maybe I’ll go offline, turn off antivirus, & try again. If I understand correctly, no remote-control apps will work unless that’s enabled in Windows.
Yes. I’ve used all of them, back to XP, & before that, MS-DOS. I bought a new computer a couple of years ago, & W11 came with it.
One of these days… I like my apps. I understand there aren’t as many available for Linux.
Found it. https://sci-hub.se/ Get link from JSTOR, then paste it into sci-hub. Startpage/Google/Bing/Yahoo weren’t any help. Yandex came through.
I know.
Problem solved by DVDShrink. Thanks, everyone.
I’m sure you’re more technically knowledgeable than I am b/c most people here are. But I tell you for sure though that my copying the contents of a DVD to PC using File Explorer resulted in an unplayable DVD twice. It’s fixable. I’m bookmarking this in case I forget what a mess this causes and do it again. I’d be interested to know the result if you try it to prove me wrong.
I went to the webpage. It says MKV makes ISO backups, so I remembered wrong. In the forum, somebody said they used DVDShrink to make an ISO. I downloaded DVDShrink and ran its media player, which was able to read the corrupted disk. After playing it in DVDShrink, VLC and Pot Player were able to play it, too. Now the first thing on the screen is the DRM warning, which didn’t come up before. Now the DVD is playable and backed up to PC. If you hadn’t been adamant about MKV backups, I’d still have a problem. So TYVM!
MKV doesn’t get you past DRM anti-copy, i.e. it won’t let you copy a DRM-protected disc into an MKV container, as far as I know.
I don’t think I can rip until the data is again readable.
Everything is set to region 0. Tried the DLL file and got this, “Your input can’t be opened: VLC is unable to open the MRL ‘file:///D:/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_1.VOB’. Check the log for details.” Checked VLC using other files, and it’s fine.
Other discs work in same drive. This happened once before, and I used an app called BurnAware to fix and rip the DVD. Apparently it’s part of DRM meanness. BurnAware isn’t working on this one.
It’s silver. I’ve got 3 optical drives and no standard DVD player.
Wow! Thanks!