thank you!
thank you!
You’re a wizard, thank you very much dear stranger
Atá, ovo de politico é caro mesmo
You’re getting scammed bro; there is a store in my city that sell them 30 eggs for R$15 (2.58 USD on current quotation) and I live on the Ribeirão Preto region of São Paulo in a small city.
use virt manager if you don’t want to mess around with settings; bare qemu-system-* if you have a bunch of patience
anything that came out before 2011
the ps3 is retro then?
can’t you already do that? by clicking on the “new chat button” and pasting the phone number i can start the chat without adding to contacts; at least on whatsapp business that works
Get a cheap computer and connect the tv to it; get a mouse and bluetooth keyboard or an air mouse if your want to; install kodi perhaps, or just have your bare desktop. Problem solved
Disconnect the tv to wifi too.
i don’t know, but he is orange, we must call him orange instead
Sorry my dudes, the xbox 360 was also part of my childhood
what the fuck
why is the logo different? did they change it?
Yeah, i know; EUFI computers really suck, turning away the script kiddies and most people that would steal this computer from my data is is the most i can with this thing
I want to have data-at-rest encryption, so that the only password i need to insert is my user one, this allows me to not have to type passwords multiple times. If i had the regular encryption password i would have to enable autologin in SDDM, which would do away with the encryption on kdewallet and all my credentials.
Plus i also enable secureboot, and use fedora kinoite, so that i is hard to tamper with my boot stuff without my TPM wiping itself off my encryption password, this gives me a very Bitlocker-like setup, but without the shittiness of having my encryption keys linked to microsoft’s terrible encryption system and user accounts, i can actually control my stuff like this. For a laptop, i must say data-at-rest encryption is a must!
This setup gives me multiple security layers; took my laptop off me -> booted my laptop, faced with user password -> tried to boot another OS, TPM wiped itself, no more encryption key -> computer now asks for encryption password, has to find a way around LVM2 encryption -> LVM2 encryption (somehow) defeated they must now crack my user password, or have to (try) to decrypt my credentials on the file system itself; after all these convoluted and extremely hard steps i think we can agree this person really deserves to have access to my cool wallpapers
i would say fedora is the “security distro for every day people” kind of distro
Can i get some context please? My fedora install wasn’t using TPM, i had to manually configure it; i haven’t noticed any difference in boot speed with or without TPM encryption
Librewolf woks well for me; pocket, firefox accounts, firefox-view and telemetry are disabled by default; also ublock origin is installed by default too