Well honestly what does trump (or most republicans) care anyway? They’ll be dead in a few years so they don’t need to be concerned if the world is baking. All they care about is next quarters earnings.
Well honestly what does trump (or most republicans) care anyway? They’ll be dead in a few years so they don’t need to be concerned if the world is baking. All they care about is next quarters earnings.
Agreed. I can’t help but feel like this hearing is intended as a distraction. My midwestern city just had another thunderstorm with 70+mph winds and its the 5th or 6th of the summer. We’re in the middle of the hottest month ever in history and it’s like DC is humming along as if it’s business as usual. Nobody is even trying to do anything about fixing climate change or even just improving emergency preparedness for severe weather. Instead we have senators literally sitting in congress catatonic and having strokes on TV because staying in power is more important than doing anything for the country.
But hey, here’s a crazy hearing about UFOs.
Look up apartheid in South Africa. Same thing but a whole country.
My thinking is that from a studio’s perspective it may be like a proof of concept that AI can get close enough to do what they care about make a passable imitation that gets buts in seats that will generate ad revenue or ticket sales. Fundamentally they aren’t really concerned about producing quality material as long as it sells, so if the AI can get them to something kind of good its likely worth their attention. I think that’s what writers and actors are concerned about and that is why even an unfunny south park episode is a threat. Fable can say their work is research all day long but their goal can easily change the second a studio shows up with a check in hand.
Also it is not clear here is how much human editing and tweaking was done after the AI was finished with it’s part. I suspect people kind of helped the AI get to a final product, but without them disclosing their procedure it’s hard to know.
I agree. I hate the idea of Meta or anybody having that much data on me in one place. However - - even Amazon, which supposedly has some of the most sophisticated purchase data and analytics out there doesn’t seem to be able to do anything with it. I mean, I buy a blender there and the next thing they recommend to me is… A blender. That only stops until I buy something else which they then continue to recommend more of, as if I only want multiples of the exact things I’ve already purchased. The recommendation engine is the whole point of having my data to begin with so but they seem unable to recommend anything new to me at all.
It’s like they have all this information written in front of them but they can’t read.
Got to admit I’m looking forward to this one. Watching that nonsense play out on reddit was crazy and it definitely looked like an interesting story. Its a fun cast so the Hollywood version should be entertaining.
Id love to see a foul-mouthed Lois in the new iteration. If they are going to revive the same old characters for the 8millionth time they should at least do something new with them.
OMG I loved the books. The show is making me want to go through them again but I have a stack of books I bought last year and still haven’t read. I’ll probably read Silo again though it is so freaking good.