LGBT rainbow militarism ftw
LGBT rainbow militarism ftw
nice advertisement for worthless american MIC exports
damn, how could america have done this
white left assumes everyone except for other white sources are lying to them all the time
the white media is already a flood of disinfo, they just hate the competition
white left on suicide watch
everyone who disagrees with you is a russian disinfo bot: the white guide to arguing on the internet
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Sorry, I don’t tend to value the “opinions” of employees of a Islamist theocracy that beats, rapes and kills people because they show too much keratin and that displeases their mass-murdering pedo-god.
lmao what an unhinged amount of islamophobia
the sick joke is that the US can’t even win just by funneling arms to an increasingly decrepit ukrainian regime. the only way to win is to intervene directly, which triggers WWIII. the ukrainians want this but the americans are content to make them do the bleeding and tease them with the prospect
typical shitlib, afraid of any other opinion outside of white state media
i honestly cannot wait for smug germans to take the L
hahah yeah more wünderwaffen will do the trick
not really worth watching. if the “counteroffensive” actually did anything the white media would be telling you about that instead of asking you to look at a video on an unrelated front entirely
missing white woman syndrome
yeah russia is for sure toast this time
Not sure about that. I saw a post today about lemmy.ml’s admin, who’s also one of the main lemmy developers, banning people who said something bad about China for “orientalism”, then doubling down in it in the comments.
yeah when you get used to reddit sinophobia (which is a product of their “policy” department that’s aligned with the atlantic council and other quasi-government think tanks) anything else feels like oppression.
most of the world wants no part in america’s neo-nazi war