So, did the Russians get this shit from the GOP or did the GOP get it from the Russians?
So, did the Russians get this shit from the GOP or did the GOP get it from the Russians?
You don’t understand rich folk. They are giving it back to themselves - all of it, and all they can weasel out of you.
Also, there are old mushroom hunters and bold mushroom hunters, but no old, bold mushroom hunters.
This is my experience so don’t rely on it: Most mushrooms won’t kill you but some will make you so sick that you wished you died. Even a small bite of the deadly Destroying Angle will most likely not kill you. Only eat a very small amount of a new-to-you mushroom because even safe ones may trigger a fatal allergic reaction, also “safe” Morel mushrooms have killed people who really, really over consumed them.
Get a real “National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Mushrooms”, book and download the “Seek” app for your phone. Find a person who experienced and go slow. NEVER get careless or over confident.
Yeah, tell that to Prigozhin.
Disney has the apex take-no-prisoners lawyers.
Well, yeah, but the US was duped into voting for an orange criminal too.
Nikola Tesla had this back in 1887. Big business couldn’t figure out how to make enough money off it so it died out.
RADIANT ENERGY - UNRAVELING NIKOLA TESLA’S GREATEST SECRET: https://teslauniverse.com/nikola-tesla/articles/radiant-energy-unraveling-nikola-teslas-greatest-secret
I like a cold glass of homemade pineapple kombucha - family love it too.
Not that simple. You have to work hard on a reputation as a SCOTUS whore.
Things are going to change fairly soon. That’s why the GOP is so frantic about getting voter suppression and their agenda in place before the demographics change. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4FqqVzH8-0&t=22s
Absolutely. The orange criminal doesn’t think he is obliged to follow any rules or laws, or moral standards.
Coconut oil, peanut butter or almost any type of edible oil works to remove adhesives.
My teeth were tight too. Broke even the thinnest floss but keep trying. Eventually it became easier - broke s lot too. We use those little Plackers flossers and floss while watching TV or watching birds.
“don’t see capitalist defenders pointing to Putin or the Democratic Republic of the Congo as examples of the wonders of capitalism.”
Definitely, last week a guy was telling me how Putin was a good example of a communism/socialism failure.
The shock value of a nude picture will become increasingly humdrum as they become more widespread. Nudes will become so common that no one will batt an eye. In fact, some less endowed, less perfect ladies will no doubt do AI generated pictures or movies of themselves to sell on the internet. Think of it as photoshop X 10.