That’s the first counterargument on my mind too.
That’s the first counterargument on my mind too.
Wear a big roll. It promises hot action forthcoming.
You can carry a bigger roll if you hang it from your neck .
Poverty is my shield.
Me too. It’s called drafts. First draft, second draft, etc. It’s only natural that you will find bugs, think of better ways to say stuff, realize stuff. It’s organic and proper.
And he’s the moderator of “atheism”. Where’s the interest in the subject?
You’re a moderator of “atheism” but you don’t want to discuss it? Come on.
What did I fail to address? The “no the whole concept is just an excuse etc…” or “do you mean mind etc…?”?. Because neither fits the bill.
Come on, gimme something solid.
Also, are you into meditation?
What do you mean by soul?
What’s your argument? What’s your experience? I mean, we can investigate this stuff and meditation is pretty amazing.
So seriously. Gimme something substantial.
Would you like to discuss it?
“Attention” is a closer match.
Mind (or “intellect” if you like) is a play of attention upon thoughts.
Soul would be a kind of attention-body.
What do you mean by soul?
You probably don’t mean what I mean. I mean, there’s some overlap, but not precisely. It’s vague.
Surely some discussion is called for before condemning the whole concept.
Maybe conservation of energy is wrong.
Ultima III
She’s an LLM optimized for doing “career goals”.
Maybe that’s the unavoidable final state of our society. A million goalbots, dancing together, forever.
That’s a fair argument.
I’m mostly experienced with scifi tho
I swear she can turn invisible.
I’ve been using browsers for a couple of decades without digital fingerprinting and it’s nice enough for me. I see no need to make it nicer.
A skull, with sharp pointy teeth, chewing on a baby