That’s not a boycott. That’s waiting until payday to shop.
There needs to be a succinct way to say “Never shop Amazon again if possible. If you absolutely have no other option, don’t do it March 7-14.”
That’s not a boycott. That’s waiting until payday to shop.
There needs to be a succinct way to say “Never shop Amazon again if possible. If you absolutely have no other option, don’t do it March 7-14.”
Yeah, that was kind of a layup.
You shut your god damned accurate mouth.
The keyboard and cheese seems to be of the fake vomit/fake dog poo variety.
I like my beans with ketchup, George.
It was all this cringe to me. I just couldn’t stand The Office, Seinfeld, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Bridget Jones films, Fleabag, IASIP…cringe humor just makes my heart hurt.
Yeah because if you type the summoning spell out correctly, it will result in a demon horde ascending directly to your location with the soul intention of dragging the one responsible for the incantation to the underworld while legions of infernal fiends pour through that gaping abyss to bring about hell on Earth, durr.
Because “DEDICATION” wouldn’t fit in a 3x3 grid, no doigie. /s
Seriously, just as confused as everyone else here.
“Nobody likes you.” - Richard, Wounded Warrior Project
I have so many questions.
Yes, the EU will certainly kowtow to him and bend the knee. 🙄
The people who check receipts to make sure you’ve paid for everything you are removing from the store. OP is saying that the Costco people are hard core, but that other stores’ receipt checkers aren’t going to try to stop you, which makes those places much more hassle free to just shop and go after you’ve paid for your purchases.
2000 was the last year of the second millennium and also the first year of the 00s. 2001 was the first year of the third millennium and the second year of the 00s.
I mean it’s not far off from Musk’s X AE ZigZag VII Advent Children and Kkkopernicus Diceware Password kids.
two moose
*moosen (FTFY)
Note: Though they are solitary animals, it is generally accepted that a group of at least 10 would constitute a flock of moosen.
You don’t have to go cold turkey. Just shop at websites that don’t say “Amazon” in the URL