@stetech Thanks for the nudge. This is the one https://timsh.org/tracking-myself-down-through-in-app-ads/
Back once again with the ill behaviour
IT dude in #Perth #WesternAustralia reporting in.
I like:
Filters include:
Birdsite and its owner
US politics
Muted instances:
And no matter how much I may like your image of whatever I probably won’t Boost it if it doesn’t have good Alt-Txt. You know it makes sense.
@stetech Thanks for the nudge. This is the one https://timsh.org/tracking-myself-down-through-in-app-ads/
@Confused_Emus @rtxn Figuring out DNS is always fun.
And never ever ever make any, even small, DNS change on a Friday. Unless you don’t like weekends.
Is it time to break out the DNS haiku and pray to the name gods?
@stetech @Xraygoggles there was a good article i read a couple of weeks ago about a guy who fired up a factory reset iPhone, opted out of all the crap but logged all connections it made (on his router). remind me tomorrow and i’ll try and dig it out. i reckon you’d like it
@stetech @Xraygoggles yes if you’re able to either configure your router to tell tge tv to use it (DHCP), or you can set your TV’s network settings directly. adguard probably have guides on how to do it
@miss_demeanour @Semi_Hemi_Demigod Now you’ll have an open bottle of port in your cabinet for 10 years until you fancy another glass or a recipe calls for it
@muntedcrocodile @crony I used to run Exchange and have had various others for my 2 person house. Sometimes overkill. These days I don’t think I’d bother running mail at home, even on reliable hardware, a decent connection and with a static IP. Hassles with getting on/off blacklists even with all DKIM, SPF etc being in place are things I don’t want to deal with these days.
My incoming mails are a couple of bank notifications, monitoring alerts and notes from schools and sports clubs. A lot of system admin for not much actual use.
I might revisit it once the winter evenings come in.
@echodot @Redex68 off top of my head, script generation. making content more readable. dictating a brain dump while walking and having it spit out a cohesive summary.
it’s all about the prompt you put in. shit in/shit out. And making sure you check/understand what it spits out. and that sometimes it’s garbage.
( • )( • )ԅ(‾⌣‾ԅ)
@Tangent5280 @spongeborgcubepants I think the days of worrying about SSDs failing like that during its expected lifespan are over for all practical applications.
@DragonsInARoom @cantstopthesignal it’s their time
@angrystego @RangerJosey pretty sure we agreed on WankerPanzer
@hendrik @muntedcrocodile then don’t use that app. Done.
@Voroxpete @silence7 something about Proton has never sat right with me. And having seen Brave used in the same sentence as “crypto” put me off them too. I mostly use Fennec or Firefox, with all the dodgy shit turned off
@iopq @threshold_dweller There’s been quite a few wired earbuds with ANC over the years. Not many now though. I would imagine they sound like a dreadful compromise.
@SquiffSquiff @some_guy They do that here to some degree. ISP’s DNS give a shitty warning about pirating if you try to visit any of the normal places for that kind of thing. Personally i just use a local DNS over HTTPS server. Which reminds me I need to see if he/she would like a donation.
@SLVRDRGN @TokenEffort I feel the same when handed an iThing these days. I don’t think it helps that the ones I’m handed have had everything on them moved around and whatnot by children.