Or just unsold sitting in an abandoned mall parking lot
It’s basically like G-Force now for a selection of GOG and epic games
Can’t Elon just get that information from the databases he’s cloned?
You should probably open it up and see if there’s even a Wi-Fi radio in there it’s probably not there because when they’re installed those plugs are removed and the screw terminals for the antenna are in their place
I’m writing this from my rp5 right now and it is the most beautiful screen ever.
Anything on pico8. You can buy the paid version and use it natively or you can just try it online right now and see if it’s good for you https://www.lexaloffle.com/pico-8.php
200 is kind of low unless you’re having a 8-hour minimum
The only thing that was different was that you don’t buy two weeks of groceries at once.
I used to take the train to the grocery store. It was called the red line in Chicago
Once again boomers bragging about their houses. I hope all of you millennials enjoy your avocado toast in your poor rental
Your computer still has a CD drive. How retro
Elon disowned his daughter so it’s probably not bring your daughter to work day
It’s good for iced tea. Don’t waste real tea when it’s cold and had less taste
You have to be careful when you have a case of the dunks it spreads
That’s funny that doesn’t look like a hotel in p-town
Feels very old testament to me… Kinky