both QxR and TGx have hevc 4k movies, but sizes go from 5GB to 80GB xD, I believe those bigger ones aren’t rips.
But I’m downloading a QxR one with 8GB and the sample looked really good like RARBG ones
both QxR and TGx have hevc 4k movies, but sizes go from 5GB to 80GB xD, I believe those bigger ones aren’t rips.
But I’m downloading a QxR one with 8GB and the sample looked really good like RARBG ones
Thanks, I’ll download a sample movie to check the quality of those ~7GB files
I got there, but never used usenet before, I have some reading and searching to do :P Thanks for sharing
It looked way less, I fell in a rabbit hole and I’m now looking at plex in my xbox xD
Will do after work, thanks for sharing
in terms of quality, not as much as some YTS and other examples I’ve been seeing lately. RARBG rips were really the sweet spot for me :(
So my best bet for now is to go back to 20GB movies? Well, not that worrysome, there’s very few movies coming out lately that I really want to archive
You’re not the first to comment that, and I’m already considering it… I have to download some examples