Trump and his policies are significantly more popular now than they were in 2017
Why do you say this? Things seem about the same to me.
Trump and his policies are significantly more popular now than they were in 2017
Why do you say this? Things seem about the same to me.
Kinda surprised none of the Dems voted for this guy, not even Fetterman or that one CIA lady from Michigan
It’s like they want someone to get their next CEO too
Hey remember that time we killed a bunch of people by blowing up their pagers? Hold on to this pager for me…
this is just so he can replace them with loyalists
defying legal limits
I feel like there’s a word for this they could have used
This is pretty much the point. Congress will initially approve the fund, but then it is basically up to the Trump admin to do whatever with it. I imagine there will be some infrastructure explanation similar to what the Biden admin planned to do. Likely the way the bill will be written will give them a lot of flexibility on how they spend the money.
Even if Dems take Congress during midterms, Trump could still have access to a large budget this way
I basically always dress like I’m about to go hiking, so fashion isn’t really a thing for me, but Carhartt makes ripstop cargo pants that I like a lot. They’re usually about $60 new, but sometimes I find them in thrift stores (never in my size). Anyway, they’re super durable and loose enough for me to work/hike in them and they don’t give me a lot of sensory issues. They don’t do the swishing sound a lot of cheaper options do. The fabric is breathable enough for the mild summers where I live and I wear a base layer underneath during the winter.
Cargo pockets are nearly a requirement for me. I can fit a lot of snacks, gloves, etc. All the buttons (snaps on the pockets) and zippers are well made, reinforced pockets to clip your knife or a tool, gusseted crotch.
I’ve had one pair for about 3 years now and they are a little worn/faded in spots, but no holes yet. Since then I’ve bought a few more pairs. The only negatives are you can’t really wear them for office settings in some places (Pacific Northwest doesn’t seem to care) and I think the pants make me look more like a cop
One time my partner offered to drive this older lady who lived nearby to do some errands. Turns out her errands were basically going to a bunch of retail stores to complain at them about the silliest things, like how she let her store credit card expire or something like that. Shit they can’t even really do anything about in the store. Partner didn’t even know because they just sat in the car at first, but went inside and one of the workers explained the old lady does it a lot.
Sad, but also fuck her for manipulating my partner into helping her harass retail workers
At this point it’s too late for them to do anything short of something really awesome. I would vote Dem the rest of my life if just one of them would do it…
He hasn’t actually left office yet and they’ll be picking a new person from the same party so probably not much different. I think it’s happening in March?
Semiconductors and all kinds of other commercial uses for gold, but it is kind of specific given the rest of the list
Let’s just add more lanes
There is a correlation between desegregation and a decline in public services, largely because racist white people want to keep segregating themselves so they started private schools and shit like that. I could definitely see a lib interpreting it in a way that results in blaming Rosa Parks. Even better if they really blame Claudette Colvin
Yeah it’s an incredibly beautiful game considering it was made in the late 80s probably by like 5 people. I was always drawn to how gross the levels looked as a kid, but it was the era of a lot of kids stuff being all weird and gross looking. Like garbage pail kids and shit like that
I have a job, but I hate it and I’ve been applying for a few weeks now. Not a single response from anything, even shit I’m exactly qualified for. Like everything they are asking for is on my resume and it’s not even a lie, still no calls.
I do have one lead on a really high paying fintech job. A friend works for their parent company and referred me the other day so I’m hoping that I at least get a practice interview out of it.
I fucking hate this shit so much tho. Having to be so fake just to get a job is incredibly frustrating for me. I hate having to lie about everything. I hate having to use phrases like “proven track record” and “user-centric, scalable web apps”. I just want to tell them “hey I know how to do the thing you want and I’m pretty good at it” and then they pay me and leave me alone while I work on their stupid fucking app
So I’m old, but there’s this NES game called Abadox that my brother and I played growing up. It was an insanely hard shooter that scrolled horizontally and vertically. You’re inside some sort of alien body zooming around killing shit, but also some paths will dead end and you just die if you go the wrong way so you gotta memorize (or hand draw) the maps. One hit kills you and you lose all upgrades, so sometimes continuing becomes impossible because the enemies are too hard without upgrades.
I used to have nightmares about this game
This was absolutely necessary, thank you
You don’t think permanent removal is at least part of the point of prisons/jails? Seems like there are quite a few people who think of prisons as a way to get rid of “undesirables” and there has been a constant push to speed up death penalty proceedings. The entire probation/parole system seems like a way to keep people coming back.
Like yeah there are economic reasons, but that’s pretty much always true under capitalism. There were also economic reasons for Nazi concentration camps.
Plus the entire system was built around putting black people in prison to continue slavery. How is that not permanent removal? The US has basically just been making baby steps towards prison reform for 100+ years so it isn’t quite as blatant these days, but literally millions of people have been permanently removed by it
The Gallup polls always had trump bouncing up and down between like 35% and 50% over the years, but early in his first term is almost identical to this one. I don’t really trust polling in general anyway, but I guess there’s not much else to go off at this point. He did get booed pretty hard at the Superbowl