The past tense insinuates this is an old picture. As per cat tax laws I’m going to have to ask you to also post a recent picture of your cat. Sorry I don’t make the rules 🤷
The past tense insinuates this is an old picture. As per cat tax laws I’m going to have to ask you to also post a recent picture of your cat. Sorry I don’t make the rules 🤷
Upvoting this from the Artemis app! These are all super cool, I especially love the Artemis ones
That might be it, though still strange to downvote something you don’t like instead of just ignoring it lol But it is the internet though so I guess it’s to be expected haha
Right? I keep seeing that every once in a while and am like “why are you downvoting a cute picture of a cat in a community for pictures of cats?!?”
Uwwaahhhh! They’re so cute! I love their little face!
It always annoyed me how the ads were formatted to look like posts, always felt like they were trying to trick people into clicking on it (which honestly that probably is the intent). Feel the same way with ads on Twitter. It’s one thing to show ads and another to format them to try and trick users into clicking on them
Judging by the comments it looks like all the extreme emoji haters are the toxic people who refuse to leave Reddit. I love that for the most part the people that left Reddit and are active in Kbin/Lemmy aren’t the super toxic ones that frequented Reddit, it’s really a breath of fresh air
Same lol, I was like “why is it going to have a small battery? That seems like an odd choice”
It was sometimes used for posting, like you had to have a certain amount of karma to post in certain subs
He talked about it on the polish instance. Someone accused him of some serious stuff and he explained where all the naming came from in the comments:
What’s dumb is reputation doesn’t even do anything on Kbin right now other than make you go “haha I have higher number than you” so reputation farming is a total waste of time. Personally I hope it stays that way as it will deter the farmers, I can see some of the benefits of the karma system in Reddit but it’s just too prone to manipulation to be actually useful in any way.
I honestly could see the characters saying this lmao. Obviously wouldn’t happen directly in the show but that seems like a very on brand thing for Sweetie Belle to say haha
It’s strange, I’ve seen other instances that have upgraded to 0.18 that have no issues whereas some have issues. I’ve also seen some that aren’t federating even on earlier versions. upgraded to 0.18 but seems to still be federating just fine with Kbin, but seems super broken with Kbin. Hopefully it gets resolved soon, I’ve run across several communities I want to follow but can’t due to federation being broken
I mean I’d prefer more trans memes showing up on my home page but I don’t mind the stuff here, there is definitely some funny stuff that pops up
%100 this. I have Mastodon and use it sparingly because I found a good community but I still find myself going back to Twitter because most of the people I follow on Twitter haven’t moved and most of the people I follow on Twitter are celebrities or influencers. The only way a #twittermigration will work is if most of the influencers and celebrities move off the platform as that’s the content most regular users go for. With Reddit however we just need people that create good content to move, the lurkers will follow the content regardless of how “complicated” the platform is. The reddit lurkers won’t stay on Reddit if there isn’t any quality content being posted there, they may be satiated with reposts for a while but eventually they will leave and go looking for the content and if that content is on Kbin/Lemmy they will come here.
Gorgeous kitty! Is he a Toyger?
Wow OP, that’s super rude of you to call me out like that. /lh /npa
Is the list of blocked instances available to view somewhere? It’d be nice to know which instances are currently blocked on