True join date was June 4th, 2023 on lemmy.ml as “quarterlotus”, but I’ve since moved here and lemmy.world (nsfw)
this is nostupidquestions, not /g/. take your meds
People can be around others without instantly becoming whatever the others are. You probably don’t know about being your own person though, clearly.
This is the biggest schizopost I’ve seen on here yet, holy shit LMAO.
I do music, photography/videography, strength training, student too, but it started by being into tech (still am), it’s helped for doing music/photography greatly.
It’s very nice to see Solus back. I won’t be back there any time soon, as currently my Linux laptop isn’t in use (and is on Mint). I have a soft spot for Solus, though; it is the only distro not connected to Debian I’ve used as a daily driver. Hopefully the maintenance comes easier this time around, too.
Begin journey 2 in current state? Journey 2 can be initiated from the shrine bonfire if you do not wish to begin now.
Three watches I can steal 🦍
Not exactly. When it comes to calculations that could be super unreasonable and impractical to do by hand (think multiple exponents on a number, or cosine, sine, and tangent as simple examples), they help reduce that tedium in the overall process of what you’re trying to do. There comes a point where it’d be absurd to do certain kinds of math by hand primarily. I’m not largely math-oriented, but even with calculators one could understand the reasoning behind certain concepts despite using a calculator to work through them. People who take calculus can understand it but still use a calculator.
To have a calculator to do your times tables instead of knowing them, or any basic stuff in the four units would be detrimental I feel, because you’d benefit in knowing those up front, and how to process them mentally.
There’s something that a person close to me said about certain tech/features that stuck with me and seems to click here, it was: “A lot of it just stops you from using your brain.”
Increasingly, yes. It’s shaping to be (ironically) the sugar of the 21st century, where sugar was touted as healthy in the 50s despite the effects on diabetes and obesity that we’re still seeing now.
In regards to focus and typing speed, laptops seem to do it best for me. My laptop is usually in sleep, and my desktop off, so it’s much faster to bring it from sleep and do what I need to do. A laptop, too, was my first computer, so I feel fairly comfortable with the experience unless I really need a mouse. Desktops are insanely comfortable, though, and I guess primarily that’s what I’d use, but thankfully I can do about equal things on both outside of gaming, so it’s mainly about how I’m feeling at the time.
Thank you for reminding me of Librewolf, I haven’t brought myself to install it yet. I wanted to move my profile over, too, though I’m unsure how seamless that would be (it’s worked with other forks I’ve tried, so maybe it’s easy).
Thankfully, I’ve been about Firefox since 2006. People can use what they like, but it does ache me inside seeing someone use Chrome, logged in with the yellow “Update” icon at the top right, an unholy trinity.
This is the Linux content I was looking for. So relevant and insightful to Linux itself. Like, wow, this is so much better and so much less insufferable than Reddit’s userbase, amirite, guys? It’s so refreshing seeing the same ideology leaking into literally every community, the diversity is so nice to see, like, wow, yes.