To be fair, high school government/civics classes are probably so gutted that I’m happy when people understand the three branches of government.
I’ll throw in a 10 piece nugget!
Florida! Let’s take this chance to dump Florida off onto somebody else!
I’m glad you’re getting what you voted for dumbasses.
Early spring would be the easiest since no other “types” of bumblebee would be flying.
Time to summon some big savings at Menards!!!
“Rowsdower mobile, away!!!”
If you haven’t checked them out, The Mads Are Back at dumb industries is some great riffing action. It’s Dr. Forrester and TV’s Frank riffing tons of movies and shorts.
“I wonder if there’s beer on the sun …?” So many great quotes!!!
Maybe not grindhouse, but “The Final Sacrifice” from Mystery Science Theater is my all time favorite B movie.
May day!
Which type grows best in a cooler, midwest fall/early winter? It’s a critical time for bees (native and honey) to store up for overwintering, and I want to BEE a BEE-bro.
I’ve tried the exclusion Boolean term with Google before, and it really didn’t work :(
Glazed in a good way or bad way?