I made his lamb shank recipe a couple years ago and it was incredibly flavorful. About as subtle as a brick to the head, but still insanely delicious.
I made his lamb shank recipe a couple years ago and it was incredibly flavorful. About as subtle as a brick to the head, but still insanely delicious.
As a friend of mine says: “The American Bar Association is a very agree-to-disagree organization. If the ABA is warning about an imminent collapse of the rule of law, we are down to studs and wires.”
Fun fact: Trans-Siberian Orchestra was born out of the band Savatage.
The unanswered question is: what are we going to do about it?
Unfortunately the answer looks to be: Not much.
I broke like a 15 year streak of not giving Tom Cruise any money to watch the last one, and boy did that movie fucking suck. Given the choice of finding out the ending and never thinking about that shitty movie again I’m going to pick the latter.
They would have literally set the White House on fire using pipe bombs.
They need to do what unions do and take it back by force.
Oh, that exposition dialog is… not good.
Beyond Betrayal
Do these dumb motherfucker even know what betrayal means? He’s not betraying you, he’s doing what he said he would do. For once in his life you should have believed him.
It’s always projection with these guys.
I hope they know what happened to the Brownshirts.
I have a homeassistant instance connected to a no-name Z-wave thermostat. It’s been flawless for almost 10 years.
Well, no shit. Who actually expected the Israelis to stop killing people?
Sure they will.
Does anyone believe this jackass’ promises anymore?
Yeah, that was my point.
I agree that there is genocide happening. I also understand that the guy who got elected is actively in favor of it and wouldn’t lift a finger to stop it if everyone in the country begged him, while the person who lost was trying to balance millions of conflicting priorities (and sadly those dying are not the top priorities) and the result isn’t what I want. There are other things to consider after you realize you’re not going to get what you want.
He also had a “750-milliliter bottle of 100-proof vodka and a gray sweatshirt with cloth cut off the sleeves” in his car.
Fucking pathetic “arsenal” if you’re going to firebomb anything, really.
Maybe some of those people who he’s not popular with should have fucking voted.
Waste not want not.
It sounds to me like the author needs to look up “overwhelming” in the dictionary.