Is this black or white?
Came to the comments just to look for this.
I actually agree. I loved playing Siege and think they did a great job handling micro transactions. But couldn’t resist posting a meme.
Does Hitler have any memorable quotes though?
I stand corrected
Something about aesthetics without a single image in the post?
But… But… The stick is unfoldable!
Sorry, you are broke.
Is this a joke about cops killing dogs?
Little Big Adventure 3.
Once I thought it was just as far away as Half Life 3, but after 27 years of inactivity they started making a remake of LBA 1. Perhaps it will lead to a remake of LBA 2 and the eventually LBA 3.
Are they really spicy? Or more like pungent acidic?
Did someone get shot?
Look Neo, soon you won’t have to ask that question.
Sounds like a risky click for some reason.
Is the left Elvis?