Lol, this is peak selfhosted. The obvious solution is to get a router/DHCP server that is normal enough to push out two DNS servers.
The selfhosted way is to set of keep alived or a load balancer, because why the fuck not.
Lol, this is peak selfhosted. The obvious solution is to get a router/DHCP server that is normal enough to push out two DNS servers.
The selfhosted way is to set of keep alived or a load balancer, because why the fuck not.
Ai isn’t going to fix the first page being all ads, that’s a business decision.
If they wanted to return actual content they could do that without AI.
*pipe breaks ?
Our water (and most in the US with a general water district, think more or less any town or city) test daily. Though in bigger places they might not test every one every day but those places will test every well and sistern every week.
I’m not entirely sure there are a ton of people/companies that are considering rhel licences vs rocky. All the companies I’ve worked for are considering debian vs rocky at this point. Not huge but 1000-5000 system type companies. I’d guess that’s a huge bulk of the market that’s using rocky, and also up steaming patches and big reports.
Maybe, the problem with old reddit is that it’s as much about the comments as it is the content. Comments are hard to advertise on. Where card style scrolling content is great for advertising. Scroll a couple cards with a 20-60 second engagement, look at an ad, scroll a little more. . …
However, I don’t see this as being a great way to farm content for language models, the content engagement tends to drop significantly with the endless scrolling so my guess is that it’s a short term play to prove they can sell ads before the IPO.
Well, you can either let it ride or quit. Us old guys used to spend 24 hours compiling every few weeks to keep our systems up to date. I’d just be patient and wait.
Can you open another terminal and do a top? My guess is that it’s compiling and you’re on slow hardware but Idk.
Top will show you what your system is doing.
The answer is that it depends what you’re doing. You can have an extremely efficient dev env CLI. You can kinda brows the web cli. You probably don’t want to edit videos and pictures in the CLI.
Because a lot of foss has replaceable building blocks, you’re not going to find a ‘this is how you do things course’. You’re much more likely to find, ‘this is how you use a certain text editor in the CLI’.
So, first, I guess, figure out or articulate what you want to do in the CLI. From reading and sending mail to writing code and building a dev environment to just basic scripting to maintain your install.
After that step, you’ll want to try a couple of the building blocks that do that.
Once you find one that kinda clicks, then you can go become proficient and start to put together the pieces of your workflow.
I run arch/Ubuntu and gnome. I spend about 50-70% of my time every day in a terminal. I spend the rest in a browser. Sometimes I use files, libre office calc, gimp or the calculator app, but even combined their usage is probably a rounding error.
I run gnome term (used to do a lot of urxvt but gnome term seems to work fine these days)
From there, I start tmux. Inside of tmux, I run a few windows. One has email, a couple shells, chat and system monitoring.
The next window has my core dev env, I run nvim with a server so I can upen tabs in nvim from different terminals, in nvim I run the lsp servers for linting and code completion. I use ranger as a file browser/previewer and that’s hooked to nvim so when I select a file there it will open as a tab in nvim, additionally I can run that file in the debug pane in the bottom of the window.
Then I just have windows that I drop into to do additional tasks, ops work on multiple servers at once, a second dev env to make a quick change in a different package, or a new window to scrape up a one line script to parse a log file or data dump for processing else where.
All of this takes time, for me about 15 years probably to say ‘ok, I want(need) to do this thing in the terminal, now what’s the best way to get that done . . .’
And then, you just kinda build it.
Honestly, while I agree, I’d assume that the people with enough money to sue IBM also have enough money to just buy license. Seems like a no win for us.
Additionally, they have to release sources for the projects but not necessarily for things like the spec files or the rpms.
Here’s the source for the kernel . . . .
Thanks I can get that from
It’s the part that’s not GPL that’s the value add here.
Lol, redhat is just butt hurt they lost the NASA Linux contract to rocky
A Yes, if you know what you are doing. Here is chat running live to show it can be done:
Lol, how helpful. Also no clients so basically a non starter for almost everyone.
What makes this any better than IRC?
Those fuckers are undeleting my comments.
Yeah, kbin seems to be a php8 service vs a compiled rust service from some lite poking.
Imagine thinking that, then saying that out loud before an IPO.
Yes, this is called split horizon dns, basically, you have to control the DNS servers.
First, make a forwarding/resolver/cache, tell it to forward all requests for your_domain to your internal authoritative DNS server, it will return your internal IPs, externally though, when that domain is looked up, it will return the public ips of that host.
Heh, if I’m Google I’m just calling it. They have nothing to lose, a single Twitter team is a drop in the bucket for them.
Its all I’m leaving my kids