My only real problem with Mastodon is its presentation of material. Never really liked Twitter, didn’t like the individual focus. This? I like. Interests are abstracted from the individual.
My only real problem with Mastodon is its presentation of material. Never really liked Twitter, didn’t like the individual focus. This? I like. Interests are abstracted from the individual.
I’m still rather early on, but I agree. The exorcism side quests are my favorites so far. They didn’t shy away from meaningfully impacting a main hub, which I appreciated, and you feel like you’re doing something meaningful versus a simple exchange of time for experience/gold. It must’ve been a complete pain in the ass to design, though.
Correct! The water was later moved much further away.
There are many species of cockroaches, most of which aren’t pests to humanity. Just living their little bug lives out in the wilderness munching stuff. And getting eaten by insectivores in large quantities.
Humans wouldn’t notice much at first, but things would seem off and get worse over time. Disappearing animals - birds, reptiles, fish. Angry frog owners pacing back and forth. Orkin men begging in the streets.
Yeah, I think part of the “back to the office” push is coming from companies that aren’t smart enough to objectively measure productivity. That, or they’re using “return to office” as a way to pressure certain employees into quitting (which seems to be the case here).
Technically you can access anything posted in either instance from either site. But I did the same thing before I understood federation, so don’t worry. You are not alone. Except maybe in a philosophical view.