Ignore him, and he will go away. Not immediately, but soon. He thrives on your rage.
Ignore him, and he will go away. Not immediately, but soon. He thrives on your rage.
The president of the United States needs to wait for an audience with the crook leader of a failed kleptocracy that fucks up everything it touches.
Good on you for leaving Sinn Fein off - I did too. They got a few rusty pistols from the Eastern Bloc back in the seventies and eighties and now they are apologists for Mother Russia whenever the music stops.
Tucker is the consummate media insider and comes right out of the rich elite. He has not gone crazy - he is just cornering a niche of crazies, to whom he will sell vitamins and demon repellent.
I concur on the VW software. Once you understand it, it is predictable and safe where it should be used - highways with dividers
Like in Westworld, the Hoover Dam was allocated to power the AI. This is very dystopian on one level but on another level, the notion that so muchreal engineering is being used to feed a computer that generates incorrect bullshit is kinda comical.
Yep. No self reference here
The Messiah looks so white.
Cure rage in certain circles
Ignore him. He’s trying to distract you from his failures. Don’t get angry at the distractions - get angry at the failures.