• 12 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • A clear line back to voting and legislation:

    A desire to resume executions during a 10-year pause due to a shortage of lethal injection drugs prompted Republican state lawmakers to pass and GOP South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster in 2021 to sign legislation forcing the state’s death row inmates to choose between the electric chair, firing squad, or lethal injection (if available) as their method of execution.

    many South Carolina Republicans want to expand the category of crimes that qualify for capital punishment. In 2023, more than 20 Republican state lawmakers backed a bill to make people who obtain abortion care eligible for execution.

  • The accident was due to a pilot entering incorrect coordinates, said a military official who declined to be identified because of the sensitivity of the matter. The official said that the two jets then dropped four bombs each, with all of them detonating.

    Authorities would suspend live-fire exercises until there was clear understanding of what went wrong, but the incident would not affect major joint South Korean and US military exercises due to begin on Monday, the official said.

    Residents in the area have protested about the disturbance and potential danger from nearby training grounds for years.

  • TIL, I would have thought (if done correctly) you’d just pass out and then die. Though I guess altitude sickness is pretty unpleasant. Anyway, still opposed to the death penalty — too easy to be wrong, no need for state sanctioned murder in this age, etc.

    Those who administered the method, according to Greenberg, described graphic scenes that included seizures, bleeding from the nose and mouth, and other issues as the animal died. Those in attendance of the nation’s first execution by nitrogen hypoxia shared similar disturbing details after attending the execution of Kenneth Smith in Alabama earlier this year, who was the first person to die in the U.S. by administration of gas for execution.

    According to Death Penalty Info, wit­ness­es report­ed that Mr. Smith appeared awake for sev­er­al min­utes after the nitro­gen gas began. They observed that he “shook and writhed” for at least four min­utes before breath­ing heav­i­ly for anoth­er few min­utes. “This was the fifth exe­cu­tion that I’ve wit­nessed in Alabama, and I have nev­er seen such a vio­lent reac­tion to an exe­cu­tion,” said media wit­ness Lee Hedgepeth.

  • Quite the virus:

    Measles is one of the most contagious diseases known. The virus travels through the air and can linger in the airspace of a room for up to two hours after an infected person has been present. Among unvaccinated people exposed to the virus, 90 percent will become infected.

    In the US, about 20 percent of people with measles are typically hospitalized. Five percent develop pneumonia, and up to 3 in 1,000 die of the infection. Later in life, measles can also cause a fatal disease of the central nervous system called Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis. And the virus can erase immune responses to other infections (a phenomenon known as immune amnesia), making people vulnerable to various illnesses.

    From Beth Mole at Ars.

  • Thanks!

    Rat King

    Ah, that’s what that blue bull with yellow hair is.

    some additional details

    Gargoyle - always spawns in orthogonally (vertically or horizontally) adjacent pairs

    And they always face each other.

    Minotaur - a treasure chest always spawns in one of the 8 spaces surrounding him

    And they always face away from the chest, but turn towards it when you open the chest.

    Dragon - Defeat it to end the game with a win.

    Defeat it to get 13 gold, pick up gold to reveal crown, pick up crown to end game. But if you’re trying to collect all the gold you can, it’s OK to defeat the dragon and keep going a little.

    Romeo and Juliet

    Face each other equidistant from the center line.

    P.S. Syntax for spoiler markdown.