Trump is immune, yes, but they need to start handing out massive consequences for his flunkies. Obey illegal orders, get fucked
Trump is immune, yes, but they need to start handing out massive consequences for his flunkies. Obey illegal orders, get fucked
Until the Republicans change the filibuster rule 5 minutes later.
Yeah, I can play Alyx just fine with point and click movement, aside from my head getting ridiculously hot, but full-motion like boneworks wrecks me in 10 minutes.
Even if Alyx is “crippled” it’s by far the best VR content that exists, by an incredibly wide margin. (I’m too lazy to check but I also think you can change it to full motion.)
It should be noted that I don’t get motion sickness in other contexts like in vehicles, rollercoasters, acrobatic aircraft, etc.
How dare you count things from one, like a human being.
VR has a major physical problem that no one has been able to solve: Nausea.
Don’t use water to clean up? What the fuck?
Just to be clear about the timeline… This was going around the internet months ago and it is guaranteed Musk saw it before he decided to do his little socially awkward gesture.
So I’m going to get a refund plus interest for everything I’ve paid into the system, right?
Have you heard of the filibuster or the fact that it’s been used by default on almost every piece of legislation for decades?
Yay for incredibly immoral investments. It’s disgusting how stock trading has been gamified and divorced from what it actually is, owning and supporting a company.
I used to like him. Then I saw his post-election SNL monologue, which was dog shit. Now I think he’s ok, sometimes.
Their inaction since 2017 broke those oaths long ago.
Wherein Tom Bombadil restores the balance of nature by skipping across the lands, singing ditties, and punching everyone in the nuts real hard.
What’s being exposed now? Are you honestly drinking the fucking kool-aid? Not a single thing Musk has said is true. Not a single fucking thing.
This guy is such an amazing inspiration. It’s almost magical how he can work full time, plus weekends, in office at DOGE, Tesla, Neuralink, Boring Co., SpaceX, Twitter, and Evil Corp. I can only dream of having that kind of work ethic, intelligence, and charisma.
FAFSA (student financial aid) is also a big reason for the Fed 's “authority” over private and state colleges
Is this the dumbest possible way to address the issue or is it the stupidest possible way to address the issue?
No sane people were fine with it, but sane people have to live in the real world and not believe some fucking fantasy that there was another option at the time.
gestures broadly
It’s so fucking dumb to capitulate to Republicans on any of these issues, because they’ll just find some other bullshit to fabricate into a huge deal amongst their base of morons. Stand behind your beliefs you fucking cowards.