Army of Mushrooms - Infected Mushroom
Army of Mushrooms - Infected Mushroom
I loooove his standup. I have a whole collection of his stuff.
Most people are more than 7” thick. I don’t think it’s as useful as it sounds. Even if you are, you probably have to be mid jump to avoid cutting off your toes or worse, merging your back with the door if you forget to face backwards first.
I miss Tom Scott
https://youtu.be/OROlF8zB9z0 This guy deserved a lot more than the one punch
I was recently surprised by The Orville. A surprising project to come from Seth McFarlane, but an absolutely well-made homage to Star Trek.
Being able to see inside empty containers has its uses because you can always check if you can see into it and know something’s in it. Knowing IF something has contents can be plenty useful.
I speak from experience with them. You will bring them everywhere. They hide in everything they can. I went through two months of dealing with them and they are hell.
If someone came over knowing they had a bed bug problem and brought them into to my apartment, I’d make sure it came out of their pocket to fix it.
They can take weeks and multiple exterminator visits to fully get rid of them. Make the landlord fix it or find another place (and take precautions not to bring them to your next place!)
The fact that Windows devs seem to not know how to run tasks hidden and in the background always bothers me. I’m sure it’s the fault of Windows itself, but Linux doesn’t open jack until I tell it to. With all the extra helper programs needs in the tray to run all the proprietary hardware, I about lose it with all the shit popping up to yell at me.
What did the kids do wrong? The only ones that deserve anything got vaccinated ages ago when their parents were smart enough to do so. Otherwise they would have already died by now.
Hell of a lot cheaper than a kid.
I would think mailing a flash drive with the key and sending the message electronically would be safer. One requires knowledge of the other.
Photography. I got back into it last year and have really enjoyed the process. I’ve learned a lot in a really short time.
The downside of that is you’d only see 3 frames of the first screen before your desktop was ready.
Burnout 3
Darn all I have is Dark Side of the Moon
Do we have any voices as powerful as those in WWII? I have yet to hear someone with a truly powerful place in media speak a heartfelt plea to the Americans because the media has been bought. Even if there was someone who could reach out and speak a message that people could hear, they would never let it air in a place where it mattered.