edited… thanks
didnt jesus stop drinking water? else I dont see how the pastor died just after 30 days
I should really consider giving money to a spotify challenger, like Deezer… I guess I’m still too cheap for that
thanks I downloaded it… first time I find an easy download option on github… I though you had to jump trough hoop to install anything from github. Seems to work fine, thanks a lot
I only find InnerTuNe not InnerTube. And First time I see this: it refused to work since I installed it from Aurora. And an Innertune (may or may not be the same) from F-Droid doesnt work either
It wouldnt be funny as a fake
this is not political at all. beside the fact that the white house is making the joke! next time the white house is funny, I’ll post on political humor, sorry
The whole US economy is based around preventing worker to organize. From over entertainment, ad culture, low wage, low work security, money cult… organizing worker is not even an option, K. Marx is way over his head here
It look so bad. it must be just badly photoshoped
according to the article, the free account one is open source… not their other commercial AI
Oh he is not acting. He is a full blown one: Nazi salute. White race lemming reproduction. 13 flag use. Afd support… but hey does it count, when he didnt genocide … yet?
yes, what is your point? this is an “ad Hominem” attack: attacking my character do not make what google is doing, any better! You’re just trying to diffuse the subject. The subject is Google, not me. How bad I am, or act , is irrelevant to google evil doing. Me being literal Hitler would not change the fact that google is still an evil corporation. And talking about me, is just to protect google.
btw this is also me defending trans : https://lemm.ee/post/54824951 or me writing 3 cyoa books with no imposed gender and allowing the reader to romance any gender you want: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CW17G2GV
Instead of looking for the bad in people, may be use half that energy looking for the bad in the system, help with representation , and enjoy some levity once in a while. And in case you’re a google/corporate Shill… learn proper argumentation, “ad hominem argument” are easy to spot and to counter.
is wanting to destroy google politics talk?
backlash? where? did google received any complaint ever?
organising strikes like in any democracy would be too much trouble
pleasing the power, so they remove any law that protect our privacy against google prying eye
What is infuriating, is that some government official website in my country used google captcha
Unfortunatly the variant get back to true randomly after some time
one dog was dead near the woman, the 2 other healthy in the property. May be the coroner will explain what happened to that dog