Void Linux was my daily driver for around a year and it was fast, really fast, and had a lot of tinkerability. I highly recommend it.
I also recommend forgejo, I’ve been using it for a while for my personal projects and the ui is still beautiful while being a simple git server at the same time.
I’m guessing you’re using opencart cuz I’ve been working with an old codebase for around a year and I would love if any code analysis or intelisense actually worked… on xml files… with php in them… with javascript in php variables… with calls to php inside xml files…
I’m sorry to ask and I don’t want to be rude, does your cat not have front legs? It looks like it on the picture. It also looks like that is an impenetrable fort
I’ve never noticed that before. You have ruined my life
As an antartican, can confirm
Thanks, a previous reply hinted at this as well and it worked. It’s a shame it doesn’t sync, I used discord and other apps and they all sync properly. I edited my post accordingly.
Clearing my notifications on GNOME actually worked? You’re right, it doesn’t sync to the notification center.
I just checked in Threads
, Unread
and Later
, nothing shows up.
I went through on gimp just blurring every name 😅
Yooo, can I have a source for this? Just for research purposes
Well although it is true that my IP is always the same to the vpn, I make sure there is no logging happening since the vps is setup completely from scratch with wireguard on OpenBSD. A bigger plus for me is that the VPS is in another country rather than the UK since I don’t like the way ISPs here in England sell your information. I also have another VPS for interacting with work servers which only allow whitelisted IPs and my home IP is dynamic.
I agree so much, I got my own vpn on a private vps just to I can make sure there is no logging happening, so that I can live happy knowing that my data isn’t being sold and my webteam workmates were like “What? Why? Have you got anything to hide?”. No I don’t I just don’t want anything to listen in hugh…
Basically, my password manager only opens when I this USB stick plugged in called a yubikey (and also a password) if you are missing either the password or the yubikey then you can’t open my passwords. It’s a sure way to know that it’s you! P.S.: Always have a copy of your yubikey, don’t wanna lose it and lose your passwords…
I was about to type the same, I use syncthing all the time for other things but it’s literally the best way to keep my passwords on my laptop, phone and desktop, never passes any cloud service and then I just use KeePassXC and KeePassDX with a YubiKey to make sure everything is top notch.
Oops, you’re right, I read as the opposite!