So I curate/edit my camera shots on my Fold3 in LightroomCC, using a cheap USBC-SD reader to get them off of a non-USBC camera.
It will never replace big-screen desktop ”finishing” for me (even though I have moved to CC so the core experience is the same) but is perfect for curation/down-selection/checking while on the move during longer trips. Being able to break up what would used to be long dedicated process of curation & editing once I get home into quick “I’ll have a quick glance while I grab a coffee/wait for my partner” sessions completely revolutionised how I enjoy my hobby, taking away what ended up feeling like a chore during the already sad post-trip come-down stage.
For context I’m a pretty trigger happy amateur and tend to over-shoot, so for every moment I will often have 3-5 different takes - my shutter count for longer trips can get pretty ridiculous.
I rarely end up using the stylus, mainly because there’s nowhere to store it in the phone so I never have it on me when I need it. It is worth saying though that I also daily drive a Surface Laptop Studio so will defer to using that for its stylus if spot touch-ups are required.
All I need is the ability to customise my swipes (I’m forever accidentally bookmarking by mistake) and I’ll never look elsewhere again.
Great app, and amazing for it to get to this stage of quality so early.