I used to have everything set to English (my second language), but nowadays I use Spanish when available (third language). I use my native language only for a handful of local apps and websites if Spanish is unavailable.
I don’t think Mexico and Cuba are usually considered to be part of Central America, right?
Some features/plugins can be quite taxing on the system and in extreme cases it can slow the editor down to the point of being unusable. I’m a happy Neovim user with a LazyVim setup, but I experience this extreme slowdown for some JSON files and I haven’t looked into it yet to see what causes it.
You can let your editor do the same compute intensive or memory hogging things that a GUI editor does. The fact that it runs in your terminal doesn’t make it lightweight by definition.
A general remark rather than an answer to your question: in general, more than not equal better with vitamins, and too much vitamin B6 can lead to nerve problems. I would only supplement when you have a good reason to believe that you’re deficient. If you insist, at least try to stick to normal doses.
I disagree, but I do agree that there are better options available than JPEG. Lossy compression is actually what allows much of the modern internet to function. 4K HDR content on Netflix wouldn’t be a thing without it. And lossy compression can be perceptually lossless for a broader range of use cases. Many film productions use high quality lossy formats in their production pipelines in order to be able to handle the vast amounts of data.
Of course it all depends on the use case. If someone shares some photos or videos with me to keep, I’d like them to send the originals, whatever format they might be in.
I can’t reproduce this in the web app at All settings icons have a colored circle around them.
I’ve been using it for the past 4 years and it has been rock solid for me. I use the oisd list with some of the overlapping security lists disabled and it just works. I never get complaints from family members either. It’s enabled on my home network, iOS/MacOS/Linux devices and in Tailscale.
Millennial here. I’ve been consuming Reddit, and now Lemmy, almost exclusively on my phone and for me it’s card view all the way. Often the graphic content is more important than the title and opening posts only to find out it’s not funny or interesting feels like a waste of time. Only when I find a post interesting enough that I want to comment or see the comments, I open it. Instances or communities that I don’t like go on the blocklist.
If I really need to use Reddit, I open old Reddit in the browser with an extension that turns it into a mobile friendly site with card view. The new design has always felt sluggish and bloated to me, but not because of the card view.
It’s off by default, but activated when you end your search query with a question mark. That option can be turned off.
But 2K and 4K do refer to the horizontal resolution. There’s more than one resolution that’s referred to as 2K, for example 2048 x 1080 DCI 2K, but also 1920 x 1080 full HD, since it’s also almost 2000 pixels wide. The total number of pixels is in the millions, not thousands.
For 4K some common resolutions are 4096 x 2160 DCI 4K and 3840 x 2160 UHD, which both have a horizontal resolution of about 4000 pixels.
Relax, I’m probably worried just as much about climate change and waste of resources as you are, if not more. My take was an ironic take.
Thought for 95 seconds
Rearranging the letters in “they are so great” can form the word ORION.
That’s from the screenshot where they asked the o1 model about the cryptic tweet. There’s certainly utility in these LLMs, but it made me chuckle thinking about how much compute power was spent coming up with this nonsense.
Edit: since this is the internet and there are no non-verbal cues, maybe I should make it clear that this “chuckle” is an ironic chuckle, not a careless or ignorant chuckle. It’s pointing out how inefficient and wasteful a LLM can be, not meant to signal that wasting resources is funny or that it doesn’t matter. I thought that would be clear, but you can read it both ways.
It’s called Markdown. If you know how to use it, it’s very convenient, but if not, it can cause all kinds of unexpected effects. It’s also the reason that **test** is formatted as test. You can often force new lines by ending the line with two spaces or a backslash character. Let’s test:
This is a line
And this is another line
In this case it was a backslash character. So what I typed is:
This is a line\
And this is another line
With spaces:
This is a line
And this is another line
Using English is the only way that all my colleagues are able to read it, but if it’s just meant for you, or only for Spanish speaking people, I’d say why not.
That’s not as effective, since it can’t block anything that’s hosted from a hostname that also serves regular content without also blocking the regular content. It also can’t trick websites into thinking that nothing is blocked and it can’t apply cosmetic rules. I use it for my devices, but in browsers I supplement it with uBlock Origin (or whatever is available in that browser).
Telegram’s “privacy” is fully based on people trusting them not to share their data - to which Telegram has full access - with anyone. Well, apart from the optional E2EE “secret chat” option with non-standard encryption methods that can only be used for one on one conversations. If it were an actual privacy app, like Signal, they could’ve cooperated with authorities without giving away chat contents and nobody would’ve been arrested. I’m a Telegram user myself and I from a usability standpoint I really like it, but let’s be realistic here: for data safety I would pick another option.
“Uncensored”: I don’t know if this is really true, but if it is, it’s something that they should’ve called out in their article.
In my opinion it’s more useful to look at grams of protein per kcal. You can only eat so many calories in a day, so that dictates your protein intake for a large part. If you eat 2000 kcal worth of peanuts, you’d ingest 80 grams of protein. With chickpeas that would be 110 grams and with chicken breast 425 grams. You don’t eat just protein rich things, so the higher the value, the higher your chances of ingesting enough protein when combined with (other) vegetables, grains, rice, oil, etc.
I know that some people will read this comment as if I’m promoting meat consumption, so let me add that I firmly believe that the world would be a better place if we ate a lot less meat. I’m just using these examples for demonstration purposes, as they’re all at the right side of the graph. It’s always an option to supplement with a plant based protein powder.
It’s 7 billion parameters big.