i wasn’t really taught this as a kid but somehow i still hang on to that natural wonder of seemingly “normal” things like typography on a sign or the root systems of various types of trees.
never go away, innate curiosity
i wasn’t really taught this as a kid but somehow i still hang on to that natural wonder of seemingly “normal” things like typography on a sign or the root systems of various types of trees.
never go away, innate curiosity
by the time lightning hits the ground, the energy that’s left is minuscule enough to never penetrate through the surface of the ocean.
whatever you just made up, you’re completely right by pure chance! congratulations.
this will be said every single time a new big game is about to come out and mostly everybody still won’t listen. why?
…no like i’m genuinely asking, why
seconding this, can barely remember anything not life shatteringly important anymore
i’m proud to be more than a little bit scottish
dude using interrobangs is a fucking power move
related, but not the source we’re looking for https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3092984/
play the trilogy and your faith in the franchise will be restored
bl2 is the best one hands down, you could totally start with that one