When I order Aliexpress in Canada the package is shipped to a facility in Canada and then mailed domestic.
When I order Aliexpress in Canada the package is shipped to a facility in Canada and then mailed domestic.
nul42 would stop using pronouns completely and just use genderless nouns or proper names instead.
And we are going to have 3d tvs! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVnWmN7aKTY
It has not been proven either way but if pi is proven to be normal then yes. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normal_number
Whatever you say, David Gardner.
Have they tried calling the CEO crises hotline?
When asked to free the prisoners, Biden thought they asked him to free the imprisoners.
In social political theory, corporatism refers to organisation of society by designating the individual into corporate groups, whether by force or voluntarily, to represent common interests (usually economic policy) in the larger societal framework. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporate_group_(sociology)
The reason it is limited to six is because “And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done.” Genesis 2:2
Yeah, we really don’t need to know what they talked about on coast to coast am last night.
I feel like locating any kind of a not for profit foundation in the US is not going to end well.
They will be called dilution camps because homeopathy
If A causes B and C it does not follow that B causes C. The hugeness of A B and C is not relevant to the causal relationship. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Causal_reasoning
A trip to the thrift store can help. Its full of fine silverware and crystal and all sorts of nice boomer things. They will see that their treasures are worthless and can be painlessly donated or disposed of.
Is Bezos more comfortable with the prospect of a fascist regime or an FTC headed by Lina Khan? His recent behavior seems to indicate the former.
Public transit should be fully funded and free and accessible for all to use.
Yes, the antifascist are the ones committing genocide even though the majority of Americans disagree so you must support very unpopular genocide to save democracy. This us all very normal and not weird at all.
I use Lawnchair as well because I require my launcher to be open source. The only thing is it is not on F-Droid or Playstore so it must be installed and updated manually. I have found it to be stable enough for my purposes.
When trump falls asleep its amusing. when Biden falls asleep I just pray he wakes up.
Canada sends its regards. The North remembers.