…and in stead of the Bell Riots, we got the clearing of Gaza…boo…
rediit refugee seeking a fabled utopia
…and in stead of the Bell Riots, we got the clearing of Gaza…boo…
It’s almost if, now come along with me, putting someone who has no idea how governing works is put in charge of funding for such governing is a bad idea? no more snark left
the spirit of my post, including the entire post must be valued
no, i am talking about how to fight this is grass roots
off topic because the answer is not what people ever want to hear
how to try to deflfect the national crises with holistic or even local solutioons
to all the downvoters, why?
to all the downvoters, why?
also, when people offer information that causes panic, why not offer useful solutions that do not infringe on anyone offering suggestions?
if i were spamming, it would show up on every post saying something stupid about that fuck also, spamming would require completely useless information so, is your head in the sand, or are you moving back to the ocean?
I want to suggest if you live in a neighborhood of 1/3 acre properties: begin planning to convert the entire unbuilt property to some form of agriculture share and split growing responsibiity with willing neighbors be concerned and give aid to any in need accept that your local community starts the process to change the larger congress a person is not stupid, people are democracy only burns from the base up
…has no one seen the Phantom Menace? you always win when your team is playing both sides, even superficially…
Not a plumber but worked with one for 3 months. the urine seemed to be the worsg thing in the pipes. the solids settle out in the trap and elbows, building into a cake of urea/phosphorous cemented to the pipe. this is only anecdotal.
but only when all parties play by the rules…
my sweet summer child, budgets haven’t occured in the united states for nearly 3 decades…we live quarter to quarter with continuing resolutions
whee!!! let the rollercoaster climb for the reddit decline!
I find it humorous that when the Dems are the opposition party, they still try to govern…lol
I have written a strongly worded, i even said autocracy, letter to my elected representative. I wish this were snark.
will you please stop doing stupid shit? i know you are insulated from daily life, but jesus fuck. STOP. please, STOP.