Agreed. Friends in my discord group still bring up reddit posts daily, usually in subs with games and memes.
Agreed. Friends in my discord group still bring up reddit posts daily, usually in subs with games and memes.
Well now I need to look for a aviation community. Great shot…
Wave Race, both Zelda games and Perfect Dark were my most played games for sure. Perfect Dark was awesome with bots if you had the expansion pack.
Talking about the glacial aspect for the blizzard build? Leveled chain lightning to 50 and switched to the arc lash build. Been thinking about trying that blizzard build but I don’t think I’ve seen 1 glacial legendary drop… and I’m 94.
Currently playing sorcerer. Definitely going to change it up for season 1, was thinking about a druid run, not. 100 % yet.
“Carl’s Jr, fuck you, I’m eating”