Joined. Thanks.
Joined. Thanks.
All in. Go.
Enjoyed every season of this. Must watch Australian comedy.
Devil’s advocate opinion.
After spending a fair bit of time in China, I’ve come to understand one thing. A weaker America is good for China, but, China does not want to lead the world. Sloppy seconds works better from China.
Many years ago, Richard Branson, wrote that in his fight with British Airways, he actually preferred being second. This because nobody is gunning for you. Everyone always guns for gold, but a silver is not a bad thing either but nobody is in the race thinking, golly, I’m going for silver this time.
So, China has no real interest in the liabilities that come with leading the world. It’s a headache that does not benefit them. Own the infrastructure, mine the planet, sell plastic crap, that is fine, but rule the world, problems. Everyone turns to you for solutions or is trying to bring you down. Better to just chill.
I was all in. Quit Twitter around 2015 when it started getting ultra toxic. Quit Reddit when 3rd party apps were killed.
Was a +1 to a friend from when we were in primary (grade) school. It was her cousin getting married. When they walked in for the reception, the groom seemed off. The suit he wore, how he wore it, the whole setup seemed off. My friend was a bridesmaid.
When finally they could mingle, she came and sat with me and asked me what I thought. I told her something was off. Now, you need to understand, me and my friend are frank with each other and hold no punches.
She scrutinized the setup and disagreed with me. We agreed to disagree and enjoyed the rest of the party
The couple divorced 6 months later.
I’ve had the privilege of driving Asian, European and American cars on three continents. Currently in America and I drive a European car.
While different cars for different purposes and different situations, on a general scale, European wins in the quality department, it’s a toss up for reliability between European and Asian, with Asian tilting the scales, performance, again a toss up between European and Asian, and Europe tilts the scales here.
I could go on, but when I lived in Europe and having seen what America has to offer, it would mean America would have to do better, offer smaller vehicles that are practical, reliable, economical and good looking, all of which they currently cannot offer domestically.
That being said, China is going to destroy everyone when it comes to EVs. You may not like them, and they can be gimmicky but dang, those rides are sweet.
Just my opinion.
I’m not a lawyer but does this not set a precedent for others in the same predicament to follow?
Saw this and my mind played this song.
Thanks for the link. Keeping an eye on it as well.
I’ve been using a Unihertz Titan Pocket. I’ve been too lazy to flush the ROM to LineageOS. I actually will buy a second one as a backup for the future until I can figure out something else.
I came across c/futuramasleepers when it was on Reddit and being a Futurama fan, it worked like a charm. Effect, I wore out Futurama for myself.
So I switched to downloading Family Guy funny moment videos onto my phone. They are usually 1h long, but 20 minutes or so in, I am knocked out, with a laugh to boot.
Before, when I lived alone, I used to put on tv shows, switch off the tv and let the home theater on very low sound do the heavy lifting.
Also, the guy on YouTube, City Planner Plays has been a tremendous source of sleep for me. Put on one of his YouTube videos and bang, out like a light.
Haven’t used them all, but Obsidian rules.
So, you can use Obsidian and sync the folders on your computer with the ones on your phone using your favourite sync software or you can spring a couple of bucks for the sync feature.
This seems to be the way. Panel beating Grav. Dang. Wish it were more friendly, but still much respect to the development team.
I have used both WordPress and Drupal and they are pretty good. I leaned towards Drupal more, for its flexibility. Grav is superb for my needs. Lightweight, fast, very few requirements, its the best platform to use for what I am doing. However, for all those benefits, there are limitations, and to me, themeing and documentation are a pain. However, it is the best flat file CMS hands down.
I am struggling with themeing.
Explored them previously, and today as part of my research, but would not work for my current situation. Hugo in the future though may be a potential move.
The reason why I picked it was the 2021 award and the previous awards. However themeing has been a pain point for me. Given that my story site is picking up steam, I want to start making it look better and I am still struggling with themeing. Automad themes well, but does not have the plugin/modules I need.
I would install Windows first, then the others after. Then you may need to edit Grub to help address the various partitions.
Medical distributor (last mile) in Texas. We are laying off people. I am likely on the chopping board come the next round. We had a lot of govt contracts that have gone.