It gets more confusing when you read their user name
It gets more confusing when you read their user name
Is there a guide somewhere on how top do that?
Shadow of the colossus is in my top 10. I just beat last guardian after playing for like 2 years. Struggled getting into it but the other day i decided to power through to the end and i absolutely loved the end. I have high hopes for ico
I’m about to play Ico and Elder Scrolls Online
Yeah i’m mostly a controller player so that works for me. Is it that hard? I’ve played stone hard games like dmc/dark souls but this seems very different
I think for best games of all time i think fallout new vegas. Its super well regarded amongst bethesda fans but i dont hear it listed as one of the greatest in general and i think i definitely deserves to be up there. The size of the world, the zaney humor, the amount of quests, weapons, amd your effect on the world. There’s just so much to this game
Celeste is on my backlog and i just installed it on my laptop, i need to play it in 2024
Yes, i get that the best option would be for stremio to seed it but i don’t see how it would be feasible considering the low storage capacities of tvs.
The reality is i dont think this will kill torturing because leechers have always existed piracy is about providing things for free to others, can we really expect all the people who can’t afford to buy the media to suddenly be able to afford a vpn, seedbox, storage?
Piracy is like tor network, volunteers are the backbone but most users are leechers. The network has been going strong for years with leechers and it wont die now
I mean alchemy is an occult practice. It’s just history only pays attention to the physical aspects (turning things into gold, etc). Often times the medium to turn a substance into gold is called the philosophers stone
But this is only a portion of it. The philosophers stone in alchemy is actually spiritual enlightenment or becoming one with everything. Hence the concept of turning anything into gold, gold being enlightenment and the universe and the plain material before the transformation is preenlightened individuals. They all become the same (one, gold) after attaining it.
Most alchemical philosophy is occult/spiritual and the chemistry aspects are a metaphor for the evolution of the soul.
I think because modernity is mostly materialist in its philosophy that we ignore the underlying spirituality associated with alchemy
I’m not so sure that this would hurt those tho. These services would require their to be at least 1 seeder to be able to stream it, so they arent really taking the seeder away. Most likely the seeder dropped.
If anything this would help the seeder by offloading downloading of the show else where and providing a second place for the file. Typically if you see a low seeded content that you like, it would be courteous to seed it after downloading it
Not 100%, stremio is a front end for a debrid service and the debrid service will download the torrent and add it to their cache and stremio users will access the downloaded file directly from the debrid services’ servers.
Only the initially download may cause a slow down of torrents. Idk exactly how they distribute the file to their cdn. If all the servers in their cdn download the same file at 1 time it may cause a temporary slow down of torrents but i would assume they don’t download directly on each server and instead download on some close to the requesting user and then use some kind of file synchronization technique to propogate the file through the network.
Their cache is pretty huge and for most shows they already have tons of links cached and wouldn’t need to keep downloading very often.
Stremio isn’t the first front end for these services and like all the rest of them it will eventually get shutdown too and this will continue long after stremio.
The real.issuein my opinion isnt bandwidth hogging by debrid services its that if everyone migrates to them that the majority of the network will be leechers. With less seeders the remaining seeders will need more powerful computers to support the torrents and if they cant afford the upgrade them the whole system could collapse
So there are multiple technologies at play. One is an indexer program (jackett/prowlarr/etc). These basically hook up to public trackers (1337x, TPB, etc).
Then you have Sonarr/Radarr which are connected to the indexer. Sonarr and radarr basically have an rss feed (which is basically a list of content, podcasts and youtube apps use this to show you new episodes/videos).
I think they use tmdb or something as there source of rss feeds. They also let you select which shows to monitor and it stores that inforamation in a database. So sonarr will reach out to tmdb and request the latest rss feed for a show every so often for the shows in the database. If an episode that sonarr is supposed to download is listed on the rss feed it will then send a request to its indexer and tell it what show, what episode, what season, etc.
The indexer then searches each tracker it is connected to for that show, season, episode combo and returns a list of links to sonarr/radarr.
Sonarr then has a set of rules in its database to filter these links (ie minimum quality, language, etc) to determine which link to pick). Finally in its settings sonarr/radarr has a location where it should save the files.
Now sonarr/radarr cant download themselves, instead they are also hooked to a torrent client. For example qbittorrent which has an api which allows you to programatically download torrents (ie it has a command to download a torrent and sonarr/radarr sends the command along with additional information like the link and where to save the files.
This is the basic setuo but there are other tools used sometimes like unpackarr which is for decompressing files that get downloaded. Unpackarr watches a folder for new files and if it finds a file in a compressed format (7z, rar, zip, etc) it will automatically decompress it so that a media program like jellyfin can play it without you having to do it manually.
Programs like jellyfin are media servers where you would specify folders for movies/tv shows/etc and any playable file in those folders can be streamed in their app/web interface. These kind of programs are really just graphical programs that are easy to set up and use that are built on top of more technical programs like ffmpeg which does the transcoding and streaming.
Then there are also programs like flaresolverr. You would integrate this into your indexer because some trackers might use cloudflare to prevent bots (they require you to click a checkbox and watch the movement of the cursor to see if it is robotic). Flaresolverr uses something called selenium webdriver which is a program that can automate a webbrowser. You can program it to open web pages, click things, etc. I assume the code uses randomization to make cloudflare think a person is moving the mouse to click the button so you can access those trackers
In simple terms that’s how it works. All these programs set up a web interface and api and send each other http requests to communicate
How would you determine the configs that were modified? What do you mean put down?
For the automating of reinstalls what do you mean?
Is it just a playbook that installs the distro, them installs the same packages, and then restores things like /home from backup?
On android i like newpipe + sponsorblock and clipious. Id use clipious all the time but it sometimes doesnt play and then i fall back on newpipe. Newpipe has downloading too.
I dont use youtube much on desktop but when i do i use invidious
Oh and i use smartubenext on android tv
What site is that tracker thing?