• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • If you are a major contributor in a niche community, you can publicize your move with info of how to keep following you and syndicate links to your content on your desired platform for a set time then leave. On your desired platform let followers from Xitter know how to follow you (email, rss, bridgy, etc) if they don’t want to join your desired platform.

    If you are mostly a content consumer or have FOMO, use a bridge not an account. DM all the friends you want to keep of where to find you then leave. Bird.makeup is a great Xitter bridge for the fedi.

    In either case, there isn’t a reason to keep am account there.

  • Linux Mint and PopOS are usually listed as friendly distros and are derivatives of Ubuntu without Ubuntu controversies like Snap. Mint even has an alternative direct Debian base skipping some Ubuntu packages, so might be ironically closer to old Ubuntu in that flavor.

    If you’re open to going non-debian, Manjaro is often sold as the more user friendly Arch. (Edit - a recent Manjaro controversy has people recommending EndeavorOS instead for an Arch wrapper. I’ve not tried that one myself).

    Debian or Arch aren’t bad to use directly either and are far more newbie friendly than they were a decade ago even if not as out of the box opinionated as their derivatives.

  • Even if you disagree with my assessment of Russia’s annexation, isn’t an international body ( that Russia itself has membership) working with your people, with guarantees for self rule and an end to the war better than status quo?

    If you’ve supported Donbas independence, with wishes for greater ties to Russia instead of Europe, you still get that in this agreement. Donbas can still legitimately join Russia in a few decades, and still trade with them now.

  • I get that you’re making some weird comparison to Iraq and Afghanistan, but who besides the world itself would be the colonizer in my recommended arrangement? The world itself in my recommended United Nation governance followed by a local government chosen by their own legitimate referendums with international observers and gun free polls? Is that not better than Russia just claiming them with no say by the people (unless you believe the sham referendums under armed watch in a war zone as legitimate)?

  • Putin should offer the following as a peace deal:

    • Russia not blocking Ukraine NATO and EU membership
    • a true independent Donbas and Crimea administered by the UN for 2 years, followed by UN observed free elections resulting in self government while retaining UN security presence. After an additional 8 years, UN will allow membership, withdrawl its security forces (unless asked to stay by the host nation), and each nation can freely apply for EU, BRICS, or other associations as their people desire. Ukraine and Russia agree to not accept either as provinces for 30 years.
    • a full Russian military withdrawl and demilitarization of both Donbas and Crimea
    • return of Ukraine held Russian territory and Ukrainian withdrawal from the Donbas
    • agreement to build a new NATO / Russia arms reduction treaty within 2 years with teeth for withdrawling.
    • Russia agrees to not annex territory for 20 years.
    • Putin stepping down as President.

    While both sides would lose a lot form their goals of the war, it could be potentially acceptable to both sides. Otherwise I just see this continuing to escalate until Moscow falls or nukes are dropped.