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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 3rd, 2023

  • It heavily depends on how you interpret the description.
    In Germany there are a restaurants that prepare a big batch of soup and desert and serve it automatically to every main dish (three courses).
    If it includes bread and butter and a drink on top, then this might not be gourmet shit but it’s definitely not expensive at all.

  • You’re making some strong claims, while using an even stronger language:

    • The “race to the button” has begun because of corrupt politicians and “Capitalists”, who sold out the Norwegian people for some “fat paychecks”.

    • Germany “dismantled” their electric infrastructure, because of “boomers”, that are afraid of “hot metal in a pool”, generally everyone who is against nuclear is “just afraid of what they don’t understand”.

    • Oil companies invest in wind energy, to keep people relying on oil in the future.

    • The EU wants to fish Norway dry.

    I already said my part about nuclear energy.

    That wind energy is an oil company conspiracy to keep people hooked on oil and not a diversification of their portfolio, similar to what Saudi Arabia is doing, I’m not going into much either.

    Norway, the EU and GB came to an agreement, that also benefits Norway, some quotes:

    This traditional deal between the two parties has been particularly demanding this year, as the quotas traditionally fished by Norwegian vessels are now located in the British zone, outside the territory of the European Union.

    Norwegian fishermen can now fish the opportunities Norway has acquired from Greenland, including shrimp, Greenland halibut, and redfish, and in the EU zone, such as roundnose grenadier.

    “It is gratifying that we have reached an agreement with the EU and the UK. This means that we have agreed on quotas for important stocks that we manage together in the North Sea. This is crucial for sustainable management,” concluded Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Cecilie Myrseth.

    Maybe if you dial your tone down a bit and add some sources to your claims, you could be taken more serious.

  • Germany didn’t “dismantle” their infrastructure, its mistake was to rely on cheap russian gas and shutting down their PV industry while they were ahead of China.

    The unanticipated war increased the prices and while it would have been great to still have the nuclear plants, they were really old already anyways.

    Nuclear energy is way too expensive, because it can only exist while being heavily subsidized. On top of that they are a big risk in combination with climate change. You mentioned France, but forgot the fact that they had to shut down their reactors due to drought in 2022 and had to import electricity for the first time in decades. Not really a technology that I would count on for the future, especially considering the long time it takes to build them.

    As you can see, shit happens and the idea in Europe is to stick together. I’m glad to be part of this. You sound like you’re angry and want to vote for politicians that don’t “sell you out to Europe”, I can imagine which kind of party that might be, good luck with that.

  • I’m not putting words in your mouth, that’s what you said in your comment:

    Only 40% voted for the DPP. 60% voted against the DPP. It’s just the 2 more pro-China parties got their vote split.

    No evidence the TPP wants to fight to keep their freedom? From the article you linked:

    China_ must know that it will have to pay a high price if it invades, said Ko.

    And I already posted this from your article but here again:

    The ruling Communist Party in Beijing counts Taiwan as part of its territory and has already threatened to use military means to force reunification. Ko said China demonstrates this every day, which is why Taiwan has no choice but to move closer to its ally, the US.

    China is the one threatening with an invasion, but it’s the fault of the westerners?

    Also: why so aggressive? Isn’t that a bit too western for you?

  • Engaging with China is a really broad thing to say, from the article that you posted about the TPP:

    “Taiwan’s relationship with China is based on two principles: Deterrence and communication,” said Ko Wen-je from the TPP People’s Party in Taipei on Friday.

    The ruling Communist Party in Beijing counts Taiwan as part of its territory and has already threatened to use military means to force reunification. Ko said China demonstrates this every day, which is why Taiwan has no choice but to move closer to its ally, the US.

    You said the TPP is pro-china, like the KMT, but to me it doesn’t read like that at all. China wants reunification, the TPP is highly against that and is willing to fight for their freedom.

  • narp@feddit.detoDACH - jetzt auf feddit.org@feddit.de*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    Bin da anderer Meinung: der erste Part von Maxim war komplett ernst gemeint (dem Part stimme ich auch am meisten zu).

    Danach wird nach typischer KIZ-Manier die Sarkasmuskeule rausgeholt. Allerdings wird sich ausschließlich über den Westen lustig gemacht: Steuern zahlen für Kampfjets, Nazis innerhalb der Bundeswehr, Angriffe mit Drohnen, Soldaten die Jan und Fabian heißen und Europa verteidigen, Unwilligkeit den Feind zu verstehen und zu verhandeln, keine Menschenmassen auf Anti-Kriegsdemos etc.

    Der Westen/Deutschland wird sarkastisch als “Paradies” beschrieben, während kritisiert wird, dass man seine Feinde für “Barbaren” hält die aus der “Steinzeit” kommen.

    Ich will gar nicht sagen dass sie in keinem Punkt recht haben, ich bin selbst sehr kritisch gegenüber dem Westen und Deutschland, aber das ist halt auch alles was in dem Lied vorkommt: Kritik an Krieg, aber halt insbesondere an westlicher Kriegspolitik.

    Das wäre passend gewesen als die USA in den Irak einmaschiert sind, aber in der jetzigen Situation in der Russland Krieg gegen die Ukraine führt? Keine Ahnung, find ich dann etwas einseitig und leicht (fehl)interpretiert an manchen Stellen, z.B. wo es um die Finanzierung geht:
    ist es also falsch der Ukraine Kriegsmaterial zur Verfügung zu stellen die von uns bezahlt wurde?
    Ist es falsch sich nicht von Atomkriegsdrohungen einschüchtern zu lassen? (Ja, mir ist bewusst, dass sie sich hier auf einen AfD-Politiker beziehen), sich nicht auf “Friedensverhandlungen” mit jemandem einzulassen der Teile deines Landes besetzt und an deiner Bevölkerung Kriegsverbrechen verübt?

    Ich bin langjähriger Hörer dieser Band und würde sie zu meinen Lieblingsgruppen zählen, daher bin ich da momentan etwas verwirrt.

  • narp@feddit.detoDACH - jetzt auf feddit.org@feddit.de*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    Nicht so mein Ding…

    Ebene 1: Der Westen ist nicht so toll wie er tut und bringt Leid in andere Länder unter scheinheiligen Vorwänden. Da gehe ich noch größtenteils mit.

    Ebene 2: Jeder der sich an einem Krieg beteiligt ist “brainwashed”, weil es kein wirkliches “gut” und “böse” gibt? Ist halt gerade mit Hinblick auf Putin und seine Kriegsverbrechen gegen die Ukraine echt nicht so geil.

    Ebene 2.5: Verteidigung (von Europa) ist auch nicht richtig, anscheinend sollte man lieber versuchen Feinde zu verstehen und Angst vor Atomkrieg haben.

    Der Refrain: “Na klar sind wir für Frieden, doch erst müssen wir gewinnen” erinnert mich an die Zeit in der die Ukraine Putins “Friedensverhandlungen” nicht angenommen hat. Also rein nach dem Motto, wenn man die nicht annimmt, will man wohl den Krieg…ganz ganz schwierig.

    Ich hoffe die drei wählen nicht demnächst das Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht ಠ_ಠ