Initially I was kind of annoyed at meme Mondays because it made it hard to track start of the week news that hit on Mondays, but I pretty quickly embraced it due to the general quality of the memes and the added meme flair.
Definitely support that coming to here, if that’s what the general consensus is.
Would definitely love to see less of the doom and gloom porn that has been so prevalent Portland Reddit. I think there’s certain a time and place for discussing significant news events that happen in town, but I was really really sick of seeing all the doom and gloom porn of Portland Reddit.
I stopped going to Reddit at the start protest and haven’t been back, and while I’m definitely feeling pretty out of touch on local goings on and Timbers news, it’s been refreshing to not have my day filled with the endless negative posts about our current ills.
Definitely not saying I want to ignore what’s been going on, it’s pretty hard to ignore, but if/when I need to know about that stuff I’ll seek that news out.
I don’t know the right answer to make that happen without some more heavy handed moderating (which I am not advocating for either), as at least some of the folks posting that stuff have a clear agenda and will swayed by appeals to out better nature like this. But I am definitely in favor of this place becoming a more positive place for community engagement and not another next door or battle ground for political/ideological troll warfare.
In short, I am emphatic YES to everything you said!
Despite the city ban (or perhaps in spite of the city ban?) this year was off the fucking hook for fireworks. The duration and intensity of them was well beyond what I’ve previously experienced in living on this neighborhood for the last 15ish years. Fuckers.
When sleeping, normally 68. During the day it can vary a little depending on what the weather outside is doing and if we’ve just come inside from extra hot or cold weather. We’ve got a mini split heat pump though, so typically we’re only running the inverter in whatever room(s) we’re in rather than keeping all the units on at a consistent temp.
Sadly it’s looking more and more to be the case. I’ve not been as hot as other fans to fire Gio in the last few years, but this season is finally starting to weigh on me. There’s been some similar things with a few other players in the last few years as well, such as that weird thing last season with Eryk Williamson getting benched at the end of the season, and Ivacic basically calling Gio a liar to the press at the beginning of this season as to why he was playing Bingham over Ivacic.
Between injuries and all the front office scandals, he’s been between a rock and a hard place pretty much his entire time he’s been here, so I have always been willing to give him some grace, but so many weird little things have slowly cropped up to being larger seemingly institutional rot at our core. I don’t put all the blame on him, but he’s not blameless and my grace may have waned by the end of the season depending on how things are.
Long time and active /r/Timbers and /r/MLS user making the jump off Reddit. My account name on Reddit was “murty_the_bearded”.
Between the fuckery that /u/spez (CEO of reddit) has been pulling and Elon’s bullshit constantly making Twitter worse and worse, I’ve been totally disconnected from MLS/Timbers news.
Hoping this place will fill that void in my life.
If you want to really nerd out on the details of how the season’s schedule is setup this year (it’s quite different than most leagues), check out this article:
Pertinent details start at the section titled “Leagues Cup Break”. Most importantly, the section titled “MLS Schedule Construction” outlines how the teams are group and how often they play each other. It’s a little convoluted.
Speaking of convoluted, here’s the playoff rules this season: