THANK YOU (for creating content)
What do you do after you’ve caught the eye of the woman in the street?
Smorty! HI!
It is all of these things. Surfing waves of confusion can wash you to interesting harbors.
Adventurous journeys can happen even when you Stay.
What do you Imagine is Behind That Wall?
Smorty!!! Hi!
I wonder if you would like reading about instrumental-convergence
there might be $someone_else already there doing $what_we_want_to_accomplish
displayMessage(“The object of war is victory, the object of victory is conquest, and the object of conquest is occupation.”);
For you: A vision of an turn-based area control game:
Continue? y/N:
It is local-only; ∵ golems may only have a little bit, as a treat.
Slashfic writers should get to work
An parable of god sitting out: