sweet little sheila ?
Man , I have hatred for myself , I am not a human after seeing all this and doing nothing. Wish if I could join Hamas and killed those bastards for good. Well , India has become fascist . You will find me dead or in a radical group in future.
Or the CIA itself. US intelligence agencies are pretty much deep into this.
I hope there wasn’t a full on minor prision for sex and crazy stuff in that Island. Obviously he was killed by CIA.
Join telegram of Danny Haiphong and he also have these weird fellows. Even certain Muslims believe jews control the world and so on.
In India we have casteism and hindutva fascism.
It was not a communal violence. Meitei is a hindufied community and kuki is a tribal community live in hills. They want to genocide the latter because they have affiliation to christianity
Behold Jesus birthday in Bengali culture
Salad has nothing to with the genocide, he did all he could, maybe you should ask your Arab brothers to cancel next Ramadan and Hajj just to show solidarity towards Gaza or atleast the Saudis will come to some sense.
I understand comrade, merry Christmas, there are millions who will celebrate today and you should celebrate with your family and such.
You have no credible arguments besides extrapolation some interaction with other users and then blame it on me. Lol 😂 , Is China islamophobic when it criticizes the Saudi Salafist teachings? Are Iranians islamophobic when women go on streets against Hijab law and morality police? You have a banal viewpoint of the human world. Relax you are no guardian of the arabic world .
I guess when King Faisal of KSA blockaded the oil to US so that Palestine could survive CIA murdered him in cold blood. Thats only time KSA had some balls against Israel.
Criticizing the boot licking stance of Arab governments who did nothing to help Palestinians for years and went having US bases in the Gulf regions shows they are spineless. Houthis are fighting but alone they can’t stop the genocide. For years Saudis and Qataris backed terrorists to murder Assad and then only after Chinese intervention they admitted him to Arab League. Criticizing the monarchies who didn’t do anything besides giving ethical statements, even so Saudis said they condemn the Hamas attacks , criticizing the bootlicking Arab governments is not Islamophobia
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W13fFjT_cFk Then this is the END OF GAZA - Vijay P.
sorry except Yemen , Qatar and Syria *
Yes in economically but its a long way to go , atleast more 50 yrs.
telegram from a young KPRF member ,
Western critics often compare the treatment of Saudi women to a system of apartheid, analogous with South Africa’s treatment of non-whites during South Africa’s apartheid era. As evidence, they cite restrictions on travel, fields of study, choice of profession, access to the courts, and political speech.[322][323][324] Mona Eltahawy, a columnist for The New York Times wrote, “Saudi women are denied many of the same rights that ‘Blacks’ and ‘Coloreds’ were denied in apartheid South Africa and yet the Kingdom still belongs to the very same international community that kicked Pretoria out of its club.”[292]
Some commentators have argued that Saudi gender policies constitute a crime against humanity and warrant intervention from the international community. They criticize the U.S. government for decrying the Taliban’s sexist policies while allied to Saudi Arabia. Mary Kaldor views gender apartheid in Saudi Arabia as similar to that enforced by the Taliban in Afghanistan.[325] In contrast, political commentator Daniel Pipes sees Saudi gender apartheid as tempered by other practices, such as allowing women to attend school and work.[101
from Wikipedia !
Fall of USSR released the greatest demons of earth.