This is the problem with protectionism for the US - you need to have local supply to replace what you block
This is the problem with protectionism for the US - you need to have local supply to replace what you block
If you tell it to output everything in HTML it is much less restrictive…
FYI the AI’s name is Rufus.
He’s not above the law! He’s just above the results lol
Hear me out, Elastigirl has the ability to stretchify her body which means it’s a conscious decision to have an absolute badonkadonk.
Life. Size. Cardboard. Cutout.
What the fuck did you just say about Sync for Lemmy, you little casual? I’ll have you know it’s not FOSS, and it has options for paying for a subscription!
I’ve been trained in open-source warfare and have over 300 confirmed commits on GitHub. You think your proprietary software can stand a chance against the might of the FOSS community? Think again, scrub.
While you were wasting time on paid subscriptions, we studied the art of collaboration and freedom. We know every line of code in the Linux kernel and can fork repositories with pinpoint accuracy. Your closed-source tactics won’t work here.
You call it a “premium feature”? Ha! We see through your money-grubbing schemes. In the realm of open-source, the true premium is transparency and accessibility for all.
So, take your subscription nonsense and run back to your proprietary lair. The FOSS community will continue to thrive and grow, empowering users worldwide with the power of choice and knowledge.
What do you mean tanked?! Sounds like you’re jealous of my 1.2 million dollars worth of beanie babies (once they sell).
I totally agree, just being facetious. I would’ve normally lurked before joining Lemmy but it’s fun to be a part of it!
Look at this guy with
checks post
5 points.
How in the hell did this make it to market?
Finally, my people! I’ve been trying to get my local YMCA to accept mine for years…
Just downloaded Weawow - one of the more impressive things for me is that it’s only 144kb.
I think that if we had inexorable proof of alien life there would absolutely be a shift in the public. I’d love to think we’d grow closer as humanity.
My mother once told us to get “a male realtor; the woman realtors don’t care as much because they’re just doing it as a hobby - the men are doing it as their full time job.”
She’s a real gem.
Hell yeah! I’ve been looking forward to getting Sync back - gimme that give-a-coffee button!
This just feels like the inevitable next step of Reddit becoming a ‘monetizable’ platform for influencers. It’s annoying but it’s a tried-and-true method of getting paid engagement; get influencers(marketed/advertised personalities) to engage and build a following.
I relate to this too much … I’ll play through my library eventually
perfect answer, everyone needs to be reminded this sometimes
They’re hiding a dragon and it’s the only way they can sate its hunger so it stops pillaging their village?