Actually found this harder than expected–most of the songs I associate with summer are the wrong genre, or became super mainstream. But I played this album extensively one summer, and this song in particular has that warm, stuffy evening vibe for me.
And another excellent song from the same album: Smashing Pumpkins - Thirty-Three
Zwan - Ride a Black Swan
I’m a fan of PocketBook on Android. Lots of customization, no ads. Not open source, though, and it is a little bit jank in a couple places,
This is lovely, thanks for sharing!
Wow, thank you for the detailed reply! 7-1-7 was kind of what I was leaning toward after reading your post, so I think that’s what I’ll end up building to replace the… whatever monstrosity I have now. Appreciate the arcanes recommendations, too!
That video is awesome, thanks for putting it together!
Is it reasonable to build just one multi-purpose amp, and have it be effective for eidolons/angels/last gasp? Obviously, specialized amps are better, but I won’t remember to swap them out. WTB operator loadouts.
Definitely sounds like Mirrormask to me.
It’s on youtube in full (with subs, legitly, from Tencent) if you want to keep watching it:
Suits. Started out as a fluffy case-of-the-week show, devolved into a melodrama with characters that completely lost their original charms.