You could use the Steam link app on your phone and basically any Bluetooth controller.
Recycle is the last part of “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle”. Recycling shouldn’t be the primary thought in designing around plastic/other materials. The primary design goal should be to eliminate or minimize the amount used.
Agreed, don’t let perfection be the enemy of better. Best way is to start small and easy, try it for a while, then find some other way to improve. Lots of small incremental steps is much easier to maintain than large lifestyle changes.
Love my cast iron skillet. Often don’t take great care of it either and still does a pretty good job of being non stick. My wife doesn’t like how heavy it is though, so been planning to get a carbon steel or stainless steel one as well.
@selfhosted may be a good place to ask. Can run your own “cloud” photo backup on a computer so photos taken on phones can automatically be saved. Would also recommend a second drive at friend/family house so you can back-up off-site to follow the 3-2-1 rule (3 copies, 2 different types of storage, 1 offsite) for backups. For even better redundancy for drive failures you could run a NAS running multiple drives in RAID. Basically, RAID combines multiple physical drives into a single “logical” drive with different speed, capacity, and redundancy capability and the NAS allows you to access that over your local network or internet.
Great video from Not Just Bikes on third places.
Main issue is how we are/have been building towns/communities. More often than not, you’ll see new builds on land solely for single family homes or only residential apartments instead of mixed used (commercial first floor, residential/office second+ floors) buildings. These all feed onto higher speed roads/highways where you have to drive to shop/eat/work/etc. Many older/pre-suburb towns may still have good third places, we just don’t build towns like that anymore.
If you can’t compost or have need for the compost, there may be compost coops in your area that can take scraps to make compost.
I know some people don’t like the idea of bar soaps, but you can buy or reuse soap pumps and get powder soap mixes that you just need to add tap water to.
And for my own tip - save your take out containers. Many are dishwasher and microwave safe, are great for saving leftovers or as containers to use when prepping food to cook. Even use them as organizers in drawers.
Been using one for years, couldn’t agree more. Felt like a much cleaner shave. Never having to buy more blades and the fact the blades are all metal with no plastic was great!
Try this.