That’s the Pathfinder death system, if I recall correctly.
That’s the Pathfinder death system, if I recall correctly.
your entire profile is nitpicking people’s grammar
Plot twist: The orc is saying the first one.
i dont care ❤️
This was Second Edition from the 80’s.
Not all RPG rulebooks have one of their first play examples be a guy dying from falling off his camel
alright if you want a curse placed on your entire bloodline so badly
if only i had seen this a day earlier…
she found a tome of eldritch lore
Opens fine in Connect
I can do you a few of the most ignored pages in the PHB: I’ve yet to meet a table that uses Trinkets
I have the opposite take. I fucking love detailed hard magic systems.
If you want deeper rules for things, PF2e is good. If you want simpler and more story-focused rules, picking up Index Card RPG or Knave might be good.
ayy Ars Magica
they should put the pinkertons in dnd
May i recommend Wushu?
In GURPS, you expend either Fatigue Points or Hit Points to cast a spell.
Cool, however this is a community for tabletop roleplaying games.