That’s terrible. I noticed that there is a certain type of programmer. Normally they went to Uni in the late 90s or early 2000s and their entire education was focused around Java.
They went out to get a job writing “Enterprise” Java for 10 years.
This programmer then tries to learn another language, but because all they know is Java everything ends up looking like and structured as Java.
I’ve seen this developer over and over again. It’s possible for them to overcome Java Brain but it’s rare.
I bet one of these types of programmers is or was the technical lead of that project.
I noticed something similar when I worked on a Scala project in the past. Yes I know we’re on the JVM, but we don’t need a data deconstructor factory when flatmap is right there.
I think you should do more then just add a disclaimer. You should add a proper license. It protects you and allows others to build upon your work in a predictable way.
That and licenses are legally battle hardened and proven. A self written disclaimer is not.
I would recommend licensing your scripts under the GPL. This lets other people use it with the understanding that if they improve it they have to let others use the improvements too.
That and it protects you like you want. Particularly section 15 and 16.
Alternatively you could use the MIT or BSD licenses, but they don’t have the “share alike” clause, so I tend not to recommend them.