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I’ll see if we can even determine if it’s a toot or not. But like someone else here said it might be more of a Lemmy issue. (Gkd here, Lemmy.ml is acting up…)
I’m replying to you (this is gkd) from another account just because I can’t use my main account on Lemmy.ml. It’s definitely a server issue.
I’m going to work this week on far superior erro handling and stuff so you know what is happeninf instead of just getting infinite spinners. But yea, it’s definitely instance related.
The worst part is the way it states these thing as fact instead of just “so you should be…”. Definitely tricks people. Obviously this one is easy to spot, but it does the same thing no matter whether it is right or wrong, and if you have no idea about a topic you’ll just believe what you’re reading is correct.
I only ever use this for quick things that I have a pretty strong grasp on but still need a little push over the hill to solve a particular problem. Almost always I get a response that’s only half correct at best, but something inside the response I can pull out and use to solve the issue I’m having.